Beschreibung Judaism (KS3 Knowing Religion). Provide students with a strong understanding of religion with high quality, engaging and content-rich resources building a firm foundation for the new GCSE 9-1 Religious Studies. Deliver a rich, coherent RE course at KS3 and equip pupils with a deep understanding of religion with ready-made, flexible and high quality KS3 lessons. 'Knowing Religion' is written by an author team of experienced RE teachers and led by series editor Robert Orme of West London Free School. * Discover the history and beliefs of Judaism as well as Judaism in the modern world * Start teaching straight away with Teacher Guide resources available on Collins Connect, including teaching ideas and support along with answers to questions in the student books * Give pupils the grounding they need to excel at GCSE RS * Ignite an interest in religion through a compelling narrative, fascinating facts and extraordinary people * Aid pupil memory with a 'knowledge organiser' at the end of each unit covering key vocabulary, people, places, and dates * Spark discussion and assess understanding with questions for each lesson including longer-form discursive questions to provide extended writing and essay practice * Each book structured as 16 lessons to offer flexibility and map onto the school timetable with ease * The 'Knowing Religion' series also includes resources on Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and Sikhism
Judaism ebook: 1 year licence (KS3 Knowing Religion ~ Judaism ebook: 1 year licence (KS3 Knowing Religion): Lewis, Andy, Orme, Robert: .au: Books
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Secondary / RE / KS3 Knowing Religion – Collins ~ KS3 Knowing Religion - Judaism. Format: Paperback. Publication Date: 15-05-2017. ISBN: 978-0-00-822771-5. RRP Regular price £8.99 – + Add to basket More details. KS3 Knowing Religion - Sikhism. Format: Paperback. Publication Date: 15-05-2017. ISBN: 978-0-00-822774-6. RRP Regular price £8.99 – + Temporarily Out of Stock More details. KS3 Knowing Religion - Hinduism. Format: Paperback .
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Judaism ebook: 1 year licence (KS3 Knowing Religion ~ Provide students with a strong understanding of religion with high quality, engaging and content-rich resources building a firm foundation for the new GCSE 9-1 Religious Studies. Deliver a rich, coherent RE course at KS3 and equip pupils with a deep understanding of religion with ready-made, flexib
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