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    The Addams Family: A Frightful Welcome (I Can Read Level 3, Band 2)

    Beschreibung The Addams Family: A Frightful Welcome (I Can Read Level 3, Band 2). The Addams Family hits the big screen on October 11, 2019. The all-star cast includes Oscar Isaac, Charlize Theron, Chloe Grace Moretz, Finn Wolfhard, Nick Kroll, Bette Midler, Allison Janney, and Elsie Fisher.Based on the animated film, this Level Three I Can Read retells the moment where the Addams family meets their neighbors for the first time ever! The Addams Family: A Frightful Welcome is a Level Three I Can Read book, which means it’s perfect for independent reading.The Addams family isn't your typical American family. Together, Gomez, Morticia, Wednesday, Pugsley, Mad Uncle Fester, and Grandma are an eccentric clan who delight in the macabre and are unaware that people find them a bit different than the rest of the neighborhood. Based on the famous New Yorker creations of Charles Addams, this animated action-comedy will follow the Addams family, whose lives begin to unravel when they face off against a crafty reality TV host while also preparing for their extended family to arrive for a major celebration, Addams-style.THE ADDAMS FAMILY © 2019 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Inc. © 2019 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    Buch The Addams Family: A Frightful Welcome (I Can Read Level 3, Band 2) PDF ePub

    The Addams Family: A Frightful Welcome / Paperback / I Can ~ The Addams Family: A Frightful Welcome is a Level Three I Can Read book, which means it’s perfect for independent reading. The Addams family isn't your typical American family. Together, Gomez, Morticia, Wednesday, Pugsley, Mad Uncle Fester, and Grandma are an eccentric clan who delight in the macabre and are unaware that people find them a bit different than the rest of the neighborhood.

    The Addams Family: A Frightful Welcome (I Can Read Level 3 ~ The Addams Family: A Frightful Welcome is a Level Three I Can Read book, which means it’s perfect for independent reading. The Addams family isn't your typical American family. Together, Gomez, Morticia, Wednesday, Pugsley, Mad Uncle Fester, and Grandma are an eccentric clan who delight in the macabre and are unaware that people find them a bit different than the rest of the neighborhood.

    The Addams Family: A Frightful Welcome – HarperCollins ~ The Addams Family: A Frightful Welcome is a Level Three I Can Read book, which means it’s perfect for independent reading. The Addams family isn't your typical American family. Together, Gomez, Morticia, Wednesday, Pugsley, Mad Uncle Fester, and Grandma are an eccentric clan who delight in the macabre and are unaware that people find them a bit different than the rest of the neighborhood.

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