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    Jackson-Royal, R: Oxford Teacher Handbook for GCSE Islam

    Beschreibung Jackson-Royal, R: Oxford Teacher Handbook for GCSE Islam. The Oxford Teacher Handbook for GCSE Islam is designed to cover everything you need to know about teaching Islam as a second religion for the new GCSE Religious Studies specifications. Written by a team of experienced teachers and leading Islam experts, this handbook includes subject boosters to cover the new required content, practical teaching tips and strategies, and ready-made worksheets for classroom use. Suitable for use with every exam board specification, this book is designed to shore up subject knowledge and offer practical advice so that you can confidently teach GCSE Islam in an effective and culturally sensitive way.

    Buch Jackson-Royal, R: Oxford Teacher Handbook for GCSE Islam PDF ePub

    The Oxford Teacher Handbook for GCSE Islam : Dr Rachael ~ The Oxford Teacher Handbook for GCSE Islam is designed to cover everything you need to know about teaching Islam as a second religion for the new GCSE Religious Studies specifications. Written by a team of experienced teachers and leading Islam experts, this handbook includes subject boosters to cover the new required content, practical teaching tips and strategies, and ready-made worksheets .

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