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    Weird and Gross Bible Stuff (2:52)

    Beschreibung Weird and Gross Bible Stuff (2:52). Perfect for kids who love odd facts and disgusting things, Weird and Gross Bible Stuff contains all the strange, sometimes funny, downright bizarre, and yes, gross things throughout the Bible in one handy book. From facts about the crazy animals (unicorn goat, anyone?) to the cringe-worthy cleanup of the ten plagues and information on the unusual lives and deaths of many biblical characters, readers will not only find tons of interesting, factual knowledge, they’ll learn more about what the Bible contains … and what it has to offer.Cannibal cows, swamp dragons, demonic pigs … kids might be shocked to learn these things are actually in the Bible. And in Weird and Gross Bible Stuff, they can explore these and other peculiar and shocking facts and stories. Each chapter is organized by a theme—like “Amazing and Weird” or “Bizarre Healings”—and is packed full of snippets and information that appeals to kids who love odd facts and “gross” things while also providing biblically accurate facts that help readers better understand and appreciate the Bible. And also helps them become smarter as they apply that knowledge to their own overall reading of God’s Word.Weird and Gross Bible Stuff:contains biblically sound information in language kids can relate toworks as an age-appropriate introduction to biblical facts for any child 8 to 12contains large text and an open page design, along with lots of detailed illustrations, making it perfect for reluctant readersis part of the 2:52 series of books, which focuses on becoming more like Jesus as described in Luke 2:52

    Buch Weird and Gross Bible Stuff (2:52) PDF ePub

    Weird & Gross Bible Stuff: Osborne, Rick, Guy, Quentin ~ Part of the 2:52 collection---based on Luke 2:52---Weird& Gross Bible Stuff will make you cringe and help you become smarter, stronger, deeper, and cooler. About the Author . Growing up, Rick Osborne really liked Superman. Superman did what was right, he did cool things that other people couldn’t do, and he never quit. The Bible is full of great Superman-type stories where God helps good .

    Weird and Gross Bible Stuff - harpercollinschristian ~ And in Weird and Gross Bible Stuff, they can explore these and other peculiar and shocking facts and stories. Each chapter is organized by a theme—like “Amazing and Weird” or “Bizarre Healings”—and is packed full of snippets and information that appeals to kids who love odd facts and “gross” things while also providing biblically accurate facts that help readers better .

    2:52 Soul Gear ™: Weird and Gross Bible Stuff: Rick ~ As part of the 2:52 Soul Gear collection, these high-energy, fast paced stories ill encourage boys in their quest to be smarter, stronger, deeper, and cooler as they develop into young men of God. Recommended for ages 8 to 12. 2:52 Soul Gear ™: Weird and Gross Bible Stuff (9780310704843) by Rick Osborne, Anthony Carpenter

    Scary Gross & Weird Stories from the Bible (pdf download ~ These Bible lessons truly are sick.and totally interesting! Surprise your teenagers with the "disgusting" truth! Each of the 13 easy-to-use youth ministry lessons focuses on a relevant topic related to a scary, gross or weird Bible story and includes a challenging Fear Factor -like activity (like eating daring treats), a fun game and thought-provoking discussion questions that help teens .

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