Beschreibung Big Bad Bible Giants (2:52). Goliath might get all the press, but there are many other fearsome giants and towering men throughout the Old Testament and thrilling stories behind each one. In Big Bad Bible Giants, readers 8 and up encounter each powerful and massive man through large black-and-white illustrations and kid-friendly language that explores the background of each hulking giant and why they’re important, as well as interesting facts like what their massive weapons looked like and how many sheep it may have taken to satisfy their gigantic appetites—as well as the feats it took to bring these men to their knees.Bulging muscles, towering height, and earth-rattling footsteps … while it might sound like a description for the big green guy in the movies and comics, these words actually apply to the many giants found throughout the Bible who were at times just as angry, almost as strong, and prone to wanting to smash things when it came to battles against the Israelites. In Big Bad Bible Giants, the amazing facts (and myths) behind the giants of the Bible are explored in kid-friendly language, alongside large illustrations that show what these towering antiheroes may have looked like. From surprising-yet-accurate information on their diets, where they came from, and just how immense their weapons and appetites really were, the gigantic battles and wars against these men will have kids looking at the Old Testament in a completely new way.Big Bad Bible Giants:contains biblically sound information in language kids can relate toworks as an age-appropriate reference guide for any child 8 to 12 learning more about the Biblecontains large text and an open page design, along with lots of detailed illustrations, making it perfect for reluctant readersis part of the 2:52 series of books, which focuses on becoming more like Jesus as described in Luke 2:52
: Customer reviews: Big Bad Bible Giants (2:52) ~ Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Big Bad Bible Giants (2:52) at . Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users.
2:52 Soul Gear ™: Big Bad Bible Giants: Ed Strauss ~ Continuing in the 2:52 Soul Gear ™ line of Bible-based books for boys, Big Bad Bible Giants is all about giants, some in the Bible and some not. Written in a factual but fun style, the book offers facts, ideas, and suggestions to help boys get smarter, stronger, deeper, and cooler. Just as the heroes of the past conquered giants, today's boys can use their courage and trust in God to conquer .
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