Beschreibung Adventure Bible Storybook. With over 9 million copies sold, the Adventure Bible brand is beloved by Christian schools, churches, and families alike. The Adventure Bible Storybook was the 2009 Retailers Choice Award winner in the Children’s Nonfiction category. This delightfully illustrated storybook Bible for kids ages 4–7 will start children on a journey of discovery about the Bible and the Word of God as they grow up with the Adventure Bible, at every age and stage, beginning with the Bible storybook and continuing on through age 12 with the full-text Adventure Bible.At every twist and turn, the Adventure Bible Storybook is filled with exciting, bold, and brave stories of familiar and some not-so-familiar Bible characters. From the creation of the Earth to the felling of the mighty giant Goliath to the Apostle Pauls’ adventures on the high seas, children will be delighted as they explore the world of the Bible through easy to read and easy to understand, fully illustrated stories of the faith of God’s people.
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