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    Streams in the Desert for Kids: 365 Devotions of God's Awesome Love

    Beschreibung Streams in the Desert for Kids: 365 Devotions of God's Awesome Love. Streams in the Desert for Kids is a year-long devotional that speaks to kids where they are today, providing the same kind of wisdom and comfort for life found in the classic Streams in the Desert by Oswald Chambers, but with a modern and relatable twist kids eight to twelve will relate to.No one has to tell you life is sometimes hard. And for your kids, navigating the confusing, everyday feelings of sadness, fear, loneliness, and anxiety can be difficult. To help your child through those times, Streams in the Desert for Kids contains 365 daily devotions that provide comfort and advice centered on God’s promises to protect us and always stay near. It also contains sports information, scientific facts, and interesting stories to keep your kids engaged, with timeless wisdom and biblical facts that provide a strong spiritual foundation as they grow.Streams in the Desert for Kids:contains NIV scripture that ties in all the time-tested insights from the original Streams in the Desert to help apply each day’s reading to your child’s lifehas devotions that take only minutes to read, allowing you to fit each day’s reading into any scheduleis perfect for daily devotions in the morning, at mealtimes, or before bedcontains a sample prayer for each day to help make connecting with God easy and natural for your child

    Buch Streams in the Desert for Kids: 365 Devotions of God's Awesome Love PDF ePub

    Streams In The Desert For Kids 365 Devotions Of Gods ~ streams in the desert for kids 365 devotions of gods awesome love Sep 11, 2020 Posted By Louis L Amour Publishing TEXT ID b655d37f Online PDF Ebook Epub Library difficult to help your child through those streams in the desert for kids 365 devotions of gods awesome love aug 29 2020 posted by j k rowling ltd text id 9653a812 online

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