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    The Blue Stone: A Journey Through Life

    Beschreibung The Blue Stone: A Journey Through Life. From internationally renowned author and illustrator Jimmy Liao comes a new enchanting and evocative journey. Breathtaking illustrations and a haunting story take readers on a wondrous voyage around the world. A large, beautiful blue stone is discovered in a forest. It is cut in half, and one half stays in the forest while the other starts on a long and mystical journey through many places, many owners, and many transformations. It begins as a statue of an elephant, admired by museum goers, and then becomes a carved bird residing in an elderly woman's garden. It becomes a moon, a cat, a necklace, and more, until it finally returns to the forest. The Blue Stone is a powerful tale of different life paths and possibilities, a longing for home, and love.

    Buch The Blue Stone: A Journey Through Life PDF ePub

    : The Blue Stone: A Journey Through Life ~ The Blue Stone: A Journey Through Life is certainly appropriately named. We follow the sapphire rock as it becomes an elephant statue beloved by a town. Then it becomes a garden bird admired by a lady. Next on the stone's journey is a seaside town where it becomes a fish. Pieces keep breaking away and each time something new is created: a moon for a sculpture, a cat for an orphanage, a .

    The Blue Stone: A Journey Through Life by Jimmy Liao ~ A blue stone went on its life journey to see the world, to become something else, to accompany someone, to experience love and loneliness, to be watched and discarded, and to witness different scenes of others' lives. Finally, it returned to "where it has always belonged" (unpaged). My eyes welled up with tears as reading through this book. Being a traveler away from home, I somehow became the .

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