Beschreibung Monster High/Ever After High: The Legend of Shadow High (Ever After High: Monster High). A dangerous story is bubbling and almost all the Narrators are scared to tell it. Cracks in the World of Stories are spreading, and the ominous Shadow High is gaining power. Only one young, brave Narrator, Brooke Page, is ready to tell this tale.As the first cracks show, Frankie and Draculaura are accidentally transported to Ever After High, where they meet Raven Queen and Apple White. After the girls recover from the shock of learning that fairytales and monsters are real, they discover that the Evil Queen has escaped her mirror prison in search of the ultimate power, hidden in Shadow High. Frankie, Raven, Draculaura, Apple, and Brooke must stop the Evil Queen and save the World of Stories from the evil that lurks in Shadow High!©2017 Mattel. All Rights Reserved.
[PDF] [EPUB] Monster High Ever After High: The Legend of ~ Brief Summary of Book: Monster High Ever After High: The Legend of Shadow High by Shannon Hale. Here is a quick description and cover image of book Monster High Ever After High: The Legend of Shadow High written by Shannon Hale which was published in 2017-10-17. You can read this before Monster High Ever After High: The Legend of Shadow High .
Monster High/Ever After High: The Legend of Shadow High ~ Monster High's Frankie and Draculaura are accidentally transported to Ever After High and meet Raven Queen and Apple White. The girls discover that the Evil Queen has escaped her mirror prison in search of the ultimate power, hidden in Shadow High. Along with Brooke Page, the girls must save the World of Stories from the evil that lurks in Shadow High.
Monster High/Ever After High: The Legend of Shadow High by ~ The legend of Shadow High by Shannon Hale and Dean Hale,is an extraordinary book that tells a story of a legend.As the story goes,Frankie and Draculuara get transported to Ever After High where they meet Apple White,Raven Queen.Recovering from learning that their two worlds,fairytales and monsters do exist,they find out that Ravens mom,the Evil Queen,escapes her mirror prison and is hidden in .
The Legend of Shadow High / Ever After High Wiki / Fandom ~ The Legend of Shadow High is the fifth book of the Ever After High book series, written by Shannon Hale and her husband Dean Hale. It was released on October 17, 2017. 1 Plot 2 Characters 3 Notes 3.1 Other A dangerous story is bubbling and almost all the Narrators are scared to tell it. Cracks.
Monster High/Ever After High: The Legend of Shadow High ~ Monster High/Ever After High: The Legend of Shadow High (Ever After High: Monster High) [Hale, Shannon, Hale, Dean] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Monster High/Ever After High: The Legend of Shadow High (Ever After High: Monster High)
Monster High/Ever After High: The Legend of Shadow High ~ A dangerous story is bubbling and almost all the Narrators are scared to tell it. Cracks in the World of Stories are spreading, and the ominous Shadow High i.
Ever After High – Wikipedia ~ Rahmenhandlung. Ever After High ist ein Internat, besucht von den Kinder berühmter Märchenfiguren wie Dornröschen, Schneewittchen, Rotkäppchen und vielen weiteren. Die Protagonisten sind dazu bestimmt, in die Fußstapfen ihrer Eltern zu treten und ihre Märchen über Generationen am Leben zu erhalten. Die Hauptfiguren sind Raven Queen, die nicht böse sein will wie ihre Mutter, die böse .
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