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    Lon Po Po: A Red-Riding Hood Story From China (Caldecott Medal Book)

    Beschreibung Lon Po Po: A Red-Riding Hood Story From China (Caldecott Medal Book). WINNER OF THE RANDOLPH CALDECOTT MEDAL, AWARDED TO THE ARTIST OF THE MOST DISTINGUISHED AMERICAN PICTURE BOOK OF THE YEAR"(Young's) command of page composition and his sensitive use of color give the book a visual force that matches the strength of the story and stands as one of the illustrator's best efforts." --Booklist"Absolutely splendid." -- Kirkus Reviews. "An extraordinary and powerful book." -- Publisher's WeeklyThe now-classic Chinese retelling of Little Red Riding Hood, and one of the most celebrated picture books of our time.

    Buch Lon Po Po: A Red-Riding Hood Story From China (Caldecott Medal Book) PDF ePub

    Lon Po Po: A Red-riding Hood Story from China - Google Books ~ WINNER OF THE RANDOLPH CALDECOTT MEDAL, AWARDED TO THE ARTIST OF THE MOST DISTINGUISHED AMERICAN PICTURE BOOK OF THE YEAR "(Young's) command of page composition and his sensitive use of color give the book a visual force that matches the strength of the story and stands as one of the illustrator's best efforts." --Booklist "Absolutely splendid."

    Lon Po Po: A Red-Riding Hood Story from China - Google Books ~ In 1990, his book Lon Po Po was awarded the Caldecott Medal. He has also received two Caldecott Honors - for The Emperor and the Kite and Seven Blind Mice - and was twice nominated for the Hans Christian Andersen Medal, the highest international recognition given to children's book authors and illustrators who have made a lasting contribution to children's literature. In addition to Ed Young's .

    Books similar to Lon Po Po: A Red-Riding Hood Story from China ~ Find books like Lon Po Po: A Red-Riding Hood Story from China from the world’s largest community of readers. Goodreads members who liked Lon Po Po: A Red.

    Lon Po Po: A Red-Riding Hood Story From China Caldecott ~ This children's book is a story similar to the classic "Red-Riding Hood" story except that it is based an a folktale from China. A mother has to leave her three children in a house and a wolf tries to take advantage but the children are able to use their wits. The book won the 1990 Caldecott Medal for best illustrations in a book for children .

    Lon Po Po - Wikipedia ~ Lon Po Po: A Red-Riding Hood Story from China is a children's picture book translated and illustrated by Ed Young.It was published by Philomel (Penguin Young Readers Group) in 1989. Young won the 1990 Caldecott Medal for the book's illustrations.

    ᐅChina po - Schnell einkaufen ~ Lon Po Po: A Red-Riding Hood Story From China (Caldecott Medal Book) Matteo Ricci and the Catholic Mission to China, 1583–1610: A Short History with Documents (Passages: Key Moments in History) (English Edition) China: Opera Excerpt from \Wuu Jia Po" (Lady Precious Stream)" The Aristocratic Families in Early Imperial China: A Case Study of the Po-Ling Ts'ui Family (Cambridge Studies in .

    Lon Po Po: A Red-Riding Hood Story From China (Hardcover ~ Lon Po Po: A Red-Riding Hood Story From China (Hardcover) By Ed Young. $17.99 . Usually Available in 3-7 Days. Description. WINNER OF THE RANDOLPH CALDECOTT MEDAL, AWARDED TO THE ARTIST OF THE MOST DISTINGUISHED AMERICAN PICTURE BOOK OF THE YEAR "(Young's) command of page composition and his sensitive use of color give the book a visual force that matches the strength of the story and stands .