Beschreibung Zeus On The Loose. I am the great and mighty Zeus, mortal- give me one good reason why I shouldn't smite you here and now!'Alex's class are learning about the Ancient Greeks. That's why Alex makes a temple (out of loo rolls and a cornflakes box) for the Greek god Zeus. He doesn't expect the god himself to turn up, borrow his mum's nightie and demand a sacrifice at half-past five in the morning. Even worse, Zeus reckons it's time for another Trojan War - in the school playground! Zeus is on the loose-
Zeus On The Loose: : Dougherty, John ~ Synopsis When Alex makes a temple for the Greek god Zeus, he doesn't expect the god himself to turn up, borrow his mum's nightie and demand a sacrifice at half-past five in the morning. Even worse, Zeus reckons it's time for another Trojan War - in the school playground! Zeus is on the loose.
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Zeus On The Loose: : Dougherty, John: Books ~ Synopsis When Alex makes a temple for the Greek god Zeus, he doesn't expect the god himself to turn up, borrow his mum's nightie and demand a sacrifice at half-past five in the morning. Even worse, Zeus reckons it's time for another Trojan War - in the school playground! Zeus is on the loose.
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