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    The Enormous Potato

    Beschreibung The Enormous Potato. When a farmer grows the biggest potato in the world, he needs the help of his entire family and their pets to get it out of the ground

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    The Enormous Potato: : Aubrey Davis, Dusan ~ The Enormous Potato / Aubrey Davis, Dusan Petricic / ISBN: 9781550743869 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

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    The Enormous Potato « Download ~ Enormous Potato begins with a farmer who plants an eye --- a potato eye. It grows and grows into an enormous potato. Harvest time comes, but the potato is so big that the farmer can t pull it out. So he calls for help, first to his wife, then to their daughter, then to the dog and so on. Energetic illustrations capture the growing determination of the family to free the potato from the soil .

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