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    Hush: An Irish Princess' Tale

    Beschreibung Hush: An Irish Princess' Tale. Melkorka is a princess, the first daughter of a magnificent kingdom in mediæval Ireland -- but all of this is lost the day she is kidnapped and taken aboard a marauding slave ship. Thrown into a world that she has never known, alongside people that her former country's laws regarded as less than human, Melkorka is forced to learn quickly how to survive. Taking a vow of silence, however, she finds herself an object of fascination to her captors and masters, and soon realizes that any power, no matter how little, can make a difference. Based on an ancient Icelandic saga, award-winning author Donna Jo Napoli has crafted a heartbreaking story of a young girl who must learn to forget all that she knows and carve out a place for herself in a new world -- all without speaking a word.

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    Ownerme - Hush: An Irish Princess' Tale - Donna Jo Napoli ~ Title: Hush: An Irish Princess' Tale; Author: Donna Jo Napoli; Released: 2008-10-21; Language: Pages: 368; ISBN: 0689861796; ISBN13: 978-0689861796; ASIN: 0689861796; DOWNLOAD CLICK HERE. Review "Spellbinding." -- Kirkus, starred review About the Author Donna Jo Napoli is the acclaimed and award-winning author of many novels, both fantasies and contemporary stories. She won the Golden Kite .

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