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    BIBLE INFOGRAPHICS FOR KIDS: Giants, Ninja Skills, a Talking Donkey, and What's the Deal with the Tabernacle?

    Beschreibung BIBLE INFOGRAPHICS FOR KIDS: Giants, Ninja Skills, a Talking Donkey, and What's the Deal with the Tabernacle?. WINNER OF THE 2019 ECPA CHRISTIAN BOOK AWARD FOR YOUNG PEOPLE'S LITERATURE Let Your Kids See How Fun the Bible Can BeThe Bible is far from boring, but sometimes it can feel that way to kids. Spark their excitement for God's Word with this craze-mazing collection of infographic spreads designed to make the Bible come alive for kids and adults alike. These colorful creations visually depict the key concepts, important people, and most unusual facts from the Bible in a new and exciting way.For instance, did you know?You'd need 7,453,506 soccer balls to fill up Noah's Ark.Paul travelled over 10,000 miles on his missionary journeys&;the distance from New York City to Rio Grande at the tip of South America.There is a talking donkey in the Bible.Roughly 3-4 million left Egypt during the Exodus. Imagine the entire city of Los Angeles leaving town and wandering in the desert for 40 years!The phrase "a leopard can't change its spots" comes from Jeremiah 13:23In addition to the incredible infographics found throughout, you and your kids will love playing a Bible timeline board game that folds out from the middle of the book. This game will help your family see God's awesome plan from Genesis to Revelation!Instill in your kids a lifelong love of God and the Bible. And who knows? You might learn a thing or two yourself along the way.

    Buch BIBLE INFOGRAPHICS FOR KIDS: Giants, Ninja Skills, a Talking Donkey, and What's the Deal with the Tabernacle? PDF ePub

    Bible Infographics for Kids: Giants, Ninja Skills, a ~ This item: Bible Infographics for Kids: Giants, Ninja Skills, a Talking Donkey, and What's the Deal with the
 by Harvest House Publishers Hardcover $8.99 Ships from and sold by . Bible Infographics for Kids Volume 2: Light and Dark, Heroes and Villains, and Mind-Blowing Bible
 by Harvest House Publishers Hardcover $9.89

    Bible Infographics for Kids: Giants, Ninja Skills, a ~ Bible Infographics for Kids: Giants, Ninja Skills, a Talking Donkey, and What's the Deal with the Tabernacle? (Bible Infographics for Kids #1) by. Harvest House Publishers. 4.84 · Rating details · 37 ratings · 18 reviews WINNER OF THE 2019 ECPA CHRISTIAN BOOK AWARD FOR YOUNG PEOPLE'S LITERATURE Let Your Kids See How Fun the Bible Can Be The Bible is far from boring, but sometimes it can .

    Bible Infographics for Kids: Giants, Ninja Skills, a ~ In addition to the incredible infographics found throughout, you and your kids will love playing a Bible timeline board game that folds out from the middle of the book. This game will help your family see God's awesome plan from Genesis to Revelation. Recommended for ages 9 to 12 years. Bible Infographics for Kids: Giants, Ninja Skills, a Talking Donkey, and What's the Deal with the Tabernacle .

    Product Reviews: Bible Infographics for Kids: Giants ~ Bible Infographics for Kids: Giants, Ninja Skills, a Talking Donkey, and What's the Deal with the Tabernacle. Harvest House Publishers / 2018 / Hardcover. $8.99 Retail: $16 .99 Save 47% ($8.00) 5 Stars Out Of 5 12 Reviews. 5 Stars Out Of 5 5 out of 5. 5 Stars (12) 4 Stars (0) 3 Stars (0) 2 Stars (0) 1 Star (0) Quality: 4.5 out Of 5 (4.5 out of 5) Value: 4.5 out Of 5 (4.5 out of 5) Meets .

    Best Sellers: Best Children's Christian Bible ~ Bible Infographics for Kids: Giants, Ninja Skills, a Talking Donkey, and What's the Deal with the Tabernacle? Harvest House Publishers. 4.9 out of 5 stars 464. Hardcover. $8.99 #15. Baby's First Bible Boxed Set: The Story of Moses, The Story of Jesus, Noah's Ark, and Adam and Eve (Bible Stories) Roger Priddy. 4.8 out of 5 stars 1,250. Hardcover. $13.31 #16. The Beginner's Bible: The Very First .

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