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    This Is My Faith: Buddhism: Yuranan's Story

    Beschreibung This Is My Faith: Buddhism: Yuranan's Story. Each book in the enlightening This Is My Faith series features true-life photographs and interviews with a child who talks about his or her faith and discusses its role in the life of the family. Boys and girls speak of the rituals, obligations, and joys that are basic to their religions. The children in these books come from many different cultures and countries around the world, thus reflecting the global nature of humanity's religious impulse. Photos show children in their daily activities, and with families and friends at religious services and festivals. Books are available in both paperback and hardcover editions. Although Buddhism originated in India, it soon spread to Tibet, China, Japan, and most recently to the West. A child talks about Buddhism's contemplative nature, and about the festivals and rituals practiced by various Buddhist sects.

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