Beschreibung Illustrated Jewish Bible for Children. A selection of key passages from the Jewish Bible by a team of educators and scholars highlights the stories' human interest and includes illustrations portraying key incidents and symbols, a guide to important Old Testament figures, and maps and photographs.
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The Children's Illustrated Jewish Bible: : Brown ~ The Children's Illustrated Jewish Bible: : Brown, Laaren, Hort, Lenny: Fremdsprachige BĂŒcher
Children's Illustrated Jewish Bible: : DK, Thomas ~ Children's Illustrated Jewish Bible: : DK, Thomas, Eric, Hort, Laaren Brown, Hort, Lenny: Fremdsprachige BĂŒcher
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Illustrated Jewish Bible for Children: Selina Hastings ~ This is not a bible book for Jewish children. It is a book for use with children and retells and illustrates many Old Testament (the Jewish bible) stories. It includes some brief sentences, in the beginning, that distinguish the Old Testament from the New Testament. For a Jewish child, being raised in a Jewish home, I would look elsewhere. But for a child being raised in an interfaith home .
Children's Illustrated Jewish Bible: Laaren Brown, Lenny ~ A bonus audio CD, featuring read-alongs of 16 best-loved stories, is perfect for bedtime or anytime. Filled with the spirit of Jewish tradition, The Children's Illustrated Jewish Bible captures the richness and power of the greatest Bible stories while making them accessible to children everywhere.
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Children's Illustrated Jewish Bible by Laaren Brown Lenny ~ Children's Illustrated Jewish Bible by Laaren Brown Lenny Hort(2007-11-19) / Laaren Brown Lenny Hort / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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Children's Illustrated Jewish Bible by Laaren Brown ~ In this fully revised edition of DK's classic Children's Illustrated Jewish Bible, more than 70 of the greatest stories from the Bible are retold for young readers. All-new text by Jewish authors Laaren Brown and Lenny Hort tells the stories of the Creation, Noah's Ark, Abraham and Sarah, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, the Exodus, the Ten Commandments, .
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