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    Islam (DK Eyewitness Books)

    Beschreibung Islam (DK Eyewitness Books). Discover the faith, culture, and history that has shaped the modern Islamic world. Explore the traditions, culture, and history of Islam with this stunning in-depth look at the complex world of one of the world's greatest religions. Artifacts, sacred objects and modern-day photographs combine to provide the dramatic level of detail for which the Eyewitness series is known.

    Buch Islam (DK Eyewitness Books) PDF ePub

    DK Eyewitness Books: Islam: : Stone, Caroline ~ DK Eyewitness Books: Islam (Englisch) Gebundene Ausgabe – 18. April 2005 . Gebundenes Buch, 11. April 2005 : 13,52 € 67,95 € 10,66 € Gebundenes Buch 13,52 € 5 Gebraucht ab 10,66 € 2 Neu ab 67,95 € Explore the traditions, culture, and history of Islam with this stunning in-depth look at the complex world of one of the world's greatest religions. This guide gives a detailed look .

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