Beschreibung Singapore Children's Favorite Stories. This colorfully illustrated multicultural children's book presents Singaporean fairy tales and other folk stories—providing insight into a rich literary and oral culture. Singapore Children's Favorite Stories is a collection of eleven stories that provide an insight into the traditional culture and history of Singapore. They make perfect new additions for story time or bedtime reading. Retold by Diane Taylor for an international audience, the whimsical watercolor illustrations by Lak-Khee Tay-Audouard offer insight into Singapore's multicultural past and present, as well as its colonial roots. The famous story of the tiger under the billiard table at the Raffles Hotel is retold, as is the myth of how the name "Singapore" (Lion City) came about. Magical princesses, mermaids, tigers, pirates and buffalos compete for every child's attention. Singapore Children's Stories include: Queen of the Forest Vanished! The Pirates of Riau The Magical Princess The Children's Favorite Stories series was created to share the folktales and legends most beloved by children in the East with young readers of all backgrounds in the West. Other multicultural children's books in this series include: Asian Children's Favorite Stories, Indian Children's Favorite Stories, Indonesian Children's Favorite Stories, Japanese Children's Favorite Stories, Filipino Favorite Children's Stories, Favorite Children's Stories from China & Tibet, Chinese Children's Favorite Stories, Korean Children's Favorite Stories, Balinese Children's Favorite Stories, and Vietnamese Children's Favorite Stories.
Singapore Children's Favorite Stories by Di Taylor 2003-11 ~ Singapore Children's Favorite Stories by Di Taylor (2003-11-15) / Di Taylor;Lak Khee Tay-Audouard / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Singapore Children's Favorite Stories on Apple Books ~ Singapore Children's Favorite Stories is a collection of eleven stories that provide an insight into the traditional culture and history of Singapore. They make perfect new additions for story time or bedtime reading. Retold by Diane Taylor for an international audience, the whimsical watercolor illustrations by Lak-Khee Tay-Audouard offer insight into Singapore's multicultural past and .
Singapore Children's Favorite Stories: Taylor, Diane, Tay ~ Singapore Children's Favorite Stories is a collection of eleven stories that provide an insight into the traditional culture and history of Singapore. They make perfect new additions for story time or bedtime reading. Retold by Diane Taylor for an international audience, the whimsical watercolor illustrations by Lak-Khee Tay-Audouard offer insight into Singapore's multicultural past and .
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