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    The Child's Story Bible

    Beschreibung The Child's Story Bible. Color pictures, maps, and a glossary clarify these simplified biblical stories from both the Old and New Testaments.

    Buch The Child's Story Bible PDF ePub

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    ‎Child's Story of the Bible en Apple Books ~ ‎The stories follow approximately the chronology of the Bible, but the New Testament stories end with the Ascension of Jesus. The stories are by no means an attempt to summarize each book of the Bible, but instead they're a compilation of the better known Bible stories written in a language that chil…

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    : The Child's Story Bible (9780802850119): Vos ~ This Child's Story Bible has beautiful classical artwork, a one-two page short story format, and takes a more "kid-aged devotional/ commentary" approach to bible passage telling. I would definitely consider it a great in-between Bible for parents whose kids are well past the toddler or beginner Bible phase, but are finding the actual Bible still too grown up or heavy-worded to completely .

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    The Child's Story Bible - Kindle edition by Vos, Catherine ~ This Child's Story Bible has beautiful classical artwork, a one-two page short story format, and takes a more "kid-aged devotional/ commentary" approach to bible passage telling. I would definitely consider it a great in-between Bible for parents whose kids are well past the toddler or beginner Bible phase, but are finding the actual Bible still too grown up or heavy-worded to completely .

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