Beschreibung Folk Legends of Japan. Delightfully illustrated, this collection of Japanese myths and fairy tales presents readers with a rich folk tradition.Folk Legends of Japan contains of over one hundred Japanese folk legends. These have been selected by a distinguished American folklorist, drawn from expert Japanese transcriptions of oral legends, and carefully translated in such a way as to bring out the charming, unadorned, and sometimes disarmingly frank folk quality of the originals.Each legend is carefully annotated for the student, scholar, and a full bibliography is provided. Fortunately, the scholarly attributes of the book are now allowed to intrude between the general reader and his enjoyment of the legends themselves.Anyone who loves a genuine old wives' tales, who savors firelit evenings of listening to the folk stories will find much pleasure in these Japanese stories. At the same time the folklorist will find a mine of information, and the Japanophile will discover the folk basis for many of the beliefs and customs that may have puzzled him in the past.
Folk Legends from Tono: Japan's Spirits, Deities, and ~ Boldly illustrated and superbly translated, Folk Legends from Tono captures the spirit of Japanese peasant culture undergoing rapid transformation into the modern era. This is the first time these 299 tales have been published in English. Morse s insightful interpretation of the tales, his rich cultural annotations, and the evocative original illustrations make this book unforgettable.
Folk Legends of Japan (English Edition) eBook: Richard M ~ Folk Legends of Japan (English Edition) eBook: Richard M. Dorson, Yoshie Noguchi: : Kindle-Shop
Folk Legends of Japan on Apple Books ~ Folk Legends of Japan contains of over one hundred Japanese folk legends. These have been selected by a distinguished American folklorist, drawn from expert Japanese transcriptions of oral legends, and carefully translated in such a way as to bring out the charming, unadorned, and sometimes disarmingly frank folk quality of the originals. Each legend is carefully annotated for the student .
Folk legends of Japan : Dorson, Richard Mercer, 1916-1981 ~ Folk legends of Japan by Dorson, Richard Mercer, 1916-1981. Publication date 1961 Topics Tales Publisher Tokyo, Rutland, Vt., C.E. Tuttle Co Collection inlibrary; printdisabled; internetarchivebooks; americana Digitizing sponsor Internet Archive Contributor Internet Archive Language English. Priests, temples, and shrines. Saint Kobo's well -- The willow well of Kobo -- The Kobo chestnut trees .
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Folk Legends Of Japan By Richard Mercer Dorson ~ In Folk Legends of Japan, Dr. Richard M. Dorson has presented representative legends from all over Japan, from northern Honshū to Shikoku to Kyūshū. For each legends, the exact source is stated. In all he has selected one hundred twenty-three legends from thirty book and four journals which have been known only to Japanese for the most part.
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Legend in Japanese Art; A Description of Historical ~ Legend in Japanese Art; A Description of Historical Episodes, Legendary Characters, Folk-Lore Myths, Religious Symbolism - Primary Source Edition / Henri L Joly / ISBN: 9781294814184 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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Romane aus Japan - 178 Bücher - Seite 1 von 13 - Perlentaucher ~ Bücher zum Thema Romane aus Japan. Hier finden Sie alle japanischen Romane und Romane über Japan, die in den letzten Jahren von deutschen Qualitätszeitungen besprochen wurden. 178 Bücher - Seite 1 von 13. Yoko Ogawa: Insel der verlorenen Erinnerung. Roman. Liebeskind Verlagsbuchhandlung, München 2020 ISBN 9783954381227, Gebunden, 352 Seiten, 22.00 EUR. Aus dem Japanischen von Sabine .
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Japan-Bücher für Kinder und Jugendliche — KindAmTellerrand ~ Geschichten über ein Land, das ganz anders ist als das eigene: Sechs Bücher für Kinder und Jugendliche, die von Japan erzählen. I. JAPAN-BÜCHER FÜR JÜNGERE Lesléa Newman: HACHIKO. DER TREUESTE HUND DER WELT (Aladin Verlag) Hachiko ist in Japan eine Berühmtheit. Neun Jahre nach dem Tod seines Herrchens hat der Hund jeden Tag zu der üblichen Ankunftszeit seines Besitzers am Tokioter .
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The Legend of Zelda (Manga) – Wikipedia ~ The Legend of Zelda (japanisch ゼルダの伝説, Zeruda no Densetsu) ist eine Videospiel-Serie des japanischen Konzerns Nintendo, die 1986 erschienen ist.Die Serie gehört zu Nintendos wichtigsten Franchisen und wurde in verschiedenen Medien adaptiert. Zelda-Comics und Mangas bringen die Fantasy-Welt sowohl Spielern als auch Lesern nahe, ohne die Handlungsgrundrisse allzu schwer zu ändern.
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Japanese urban legend - Wikipedia ~ A Japanese urban legend (日本の都市伝説, Nihon no toshi densetsu) is a story in Japanese folklore which is circulated as true. These urban legends are characterized by originating in or being popularized throughout the country of Japan. These urban legends commonly involve paranormal entities or creatures who encounter and/or attack humans, but the term can also encompass widespread .
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