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    Edda: A Little Valkyrie's First Day of School

    Beschreibung Edda: A Little Valkyrie's First Day of School. Edda is a Valkyrie (an ancient Norse goddess who guides and protects heroes). She lives in a magical land called Asgard where she has everything she wants. Well . . . almost everything. Edda wants to find a friend her own age. Edda's wise papa knows of a place where she can make friends: a place on Earth called "school." School is very different from Asgard. Edda's not sure if she likes it at first. But then she remembers that Valkyries are very brave. Even little Valkyries. Edda learns that being different is what makes her special and she begins to make new friends.A Christy Ottaviano Book

    Buch Edda: A Little Valkyrie's First Day of School PDF ePub

    Edda: A Little Valkyrie's First Day of School: Auerbach ~ Edda's wise papa knows of a place where she can make friends: a place on Earth called "school." School is very different from Asgard. Edda's not sure if she likes it at first. But then she remembers that Valkyries are very brave. Even little Valkyries. Edda learns that being different is what makes her special and she begins to make new friends.

    Edda: A Little Valkyrie's First Day of School by Adam Auerbach ~ Creative view of the first day of school as experienced by Edda, a little Valkyrie. As the littlest of the Valkyries living in Asgard, Edda is lonely, so her father flies her to earth to attend school. Her dad assures her en small Valkyries are very brave. Things are very different at school, so Edda's bravery is tested during that first day. Author Adam Auerbach created the story while .

    Edda: A Little Valkyrie's First Day of School / IndieBound ~ Edda's wise papa knows of a place where she can make friends: a place on Earth called "school." School is very different from Asgard. Edda's not sure if she likes it at first. But then she remembers that Valkyries are very brave. Even little Valkyries. Edda learns that being different is what makes her special and she begins to make new friends.

    TeachingBooks / Edda: A Little Valkyrie's First Day of School ~ But the first day of school can be scary, even for a brave little Valkyrie. It proves to be disappointing, too: There are rules to follow, the only creature is guinea pig Rex, no one wants to trade at lunch, and she has to write. Writing is hard. Wishing she were back home, Edda writes a story about a monster on Asgard. It’s a huge hit. All .

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