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    Beschreibung STREGA NONA BOUND FOR SCHOOLS: An Original Tale. When Strega Nona leaves him alone with her magic pasta pot, Big Anthony is determined to show the townspeople how it works.


    Strega Nona eBook: dePaola, Tomie, dePaola, Tomie: ~ Strega Nona specifically told him not to touch her magic pasta pot, (which Big Anthony knew how to turn on, but not off) So while Strega Nona had to go away, Big Anthony invited the town over for pasta and flooded the town with Pasta. As punishment, Strega Nona made him eat all the pasta that was covering the town, and Big Anthony ended up with an Upset Stomach, and a Pink Slip.

    Strega Nona (Turtleback School & Library Binding Edition ~ Strega Nona (Turtleback School & Library Binding Edition) [dePaola, Tomie, Paola, Tomie De] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Strega Nona (Turtleback School & Library Binding Edition)

    Strega Nona - Wikipedia ~ Strega Nona is a children's book written and illustrated by Tomie dePaola.If considered as a folktale, the story is Aarne-Thompson type 565, the Magic Mill. It concerns Strega Nona ("Grandma Witch" in broken Italian) and her helper, Big Anthony. Big Anthony causes the title character's magic pasta pot to create so much pasta that it nearly floods and buries a town.

    The Magical World of Strega Nona: a Treasury: ~ Enter the marvelous, magical world of Strega Nona! This wonderful treasury features six favorite stories about Strega Nona and her sidekick, the bumbling Big Anthony—including the original Strega Nona, as well as Strega Nona Meets Her Match, Strega Nona: Her Story, Strega Nona Takes a Vacation, Strega Nona’s Harvest, and Strega Nona’s Gift.

    Strega Nona: Her Story: Tomie dePaola: 9780698118140 ~ The tale begins with little Nona's birth on a dark and stormy night, and ends where the original Strega Nona picks up-with Strega Nona taking on the bumbling, knock-kneed Big Anthony as an apprentice. This winsome story is illustrated throughout with Tomie dePaola's warm and sunny watercolors! "dePaola does a splendid job of working this sparkling tale into the Strega Nona canon." -

    The Knight and the Dragon by Tomie dePaola ~ Possibly most well known for the Strega Nona stories, I have to confess that ‘The Knight and the Dragon’ may already have stepped up onto the dePaola podium as one of my favourites. It tells the story with v I’ve recently decided to just read all of Tomie dePaola’s work which is quite a feat considering he’s written and/or illustrated over 200 books.

    The Knight and the Dragon School & Library Binding – 2 Feb ~ I knew dePaola from my childhood (Strega Nona) but have never read this book. I bought it for my daughter (nearly 3) who loves being read to and then just looking at books. Typically after a few read through or two she'll take a book off by herself and flip through, narrating the story (as she remembers it) as she goes. This book is fantastic for that reason as the pictures are well-done, very .

    Tomie dePaola - Wikipedia ~ Thomas Anthony "Tomie" dePaola (/ ˈ t ɒ m i d ə ˈ p aʊ l ə /; September 15, 1934 – March 30, 2020) was an American writer and illustrator who created more than 260 children's books such as Strega Nona. He received the Children's Literature Legacy Award for his lifetime contribution to American children's literature in 2011.

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    In the Night Kitchen (Caldecott Collection): ~ STREGA NONA BOUND FOR SCHOOLS: An Original Tale Tomie dePaola. 4,8 . This story is a dreamlike adventure with a quirky tale and great illustration. I now read this story to my little boy and I hope he will have fond memories of it into adulthood. I can close my eyes and see the classroom with the reading corner with full bookshelves and beanbags to sit on, sitting beside the cast iron old .

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