Beschreibung When Hippo Was Hairy and Other Tales from Africa. A collection of thirty-one stories about African animals with factual information about each animal
When Hippo was hairy and other tales from Africa : Greaves ~ When Hippo was hairy (Ndebele) -- Days of the hunting buffalo (Bushman) -- Day baboon outwitted leopard (Zulu) -- Why giraffe and the oxpecker are good friends (Bushman) -- Why the giraffe has a long neck (East Africa) -- Giraffe in the sky (Bushman) -- Why waterbuck helped crocodile (Makushu, from the Okavango) -- How the waterbuck got its white circle -- The first zebra (From the Angoni of .
When Hippo Was Hairy and Other Tales from Africa: ~ When Hippo Was Hairy and Other Tales from Africa: : Greaves, Nick, Clement, Rod: Fremdsprachige Bücher
When Hippo was Hairy. And other tales from Africa.: ~ When Hippo was Hairy. And other tales from Africa. / Greaves, Nick [Text] & Clement, Rod [Illustrationen]: / ISBN: 9780947444129 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
When Hippo was hairy : and other tales from Africa (Book ~ Get this from a library! When Hippo was hairy : and other tales from Africa. [Nick Greaves; Rod Clement] -- A collection of thirty-six stories about African animals with factual information about each animal.
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Librarika: When Hippo Was Hairy: And Other Tales from Africa ~ When Hippo Was Hairy: And Other Tales from Africa. By Nick Greaves. 0. 0. 0. 0. Description. This is a collection of tales from Africa. - from Amzon ISBN(s) 186812648X, 9781868126484 Buy at Book Store. RELATED ITEMS. REVIEWS (0) - No reviews posted yet. .
When Hippo Was Hairy and Other Tales from Africa by ~ When Hippo Was Hairy and Other Tales from Africa. Stock Image. Stock Image. View Larger Image When Hippo Was Hairy and Other Tales from Africa Greaves, Nick. ISBN 10: 0812045483 / ISBN 13: 9780812045482. New Condition: Brand New Soft cover. Save for Later. From ABC (Saint Louis, MO, U.S.A.) AbeBooks Seller Since February 5, 2013 Seller Rating. Quantity Available: 1. View all copies of this .
When Hippo Was Hairy and Other Tales from Africa by Nick ~ When Hippo Was Hairy is just one of the thirty-six fascinating stories about African animals in this imaginative book. The folklore and mythology of the African people have been handed down by word of mouth through generations of tribal life. In a land which, until very recently, teemed with the richest wildlife in the world, people and animals lived for centuries in close
When Hippo Was Hairy and Other Tales From Africa (Book ~ When Hippo Was Hairy and Other Tales From Africa (Book) : Greaves, Nick : A collection of thirty-one stories about African animals with factual information about each animal.
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When Hippo Was Hairy and Other Tales from Africa: ~ When Hippo Was Hairy and Other Tales from Africa / Nick Greaves, Rod Clement / ISBN: 9780812041316 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
When Hippo Was Hairy: And Other Tales from Africa: ~ When Hippo Was Hairy: And Other Tales from Africa: : Nick Greaves: Fremdsprachige Bücher
When Hippo Was Hairy: And Other Tales from Africa: ~ When Hippo Was Hairy: And Other Tales from Africa: : Nick/ Clement Greaves, Rod Clement: Fremdsprachige Bücher
When Hippo was hairy. "African storytelling" kennenlernen ~ Publikation finden zu:Schuljahr 09; Schuljahr 10; Unterrichtseinheit; Erzählen; Hörverstehensübung; Kommunikative Kompetenz; Afrika
When Hippo Was Hairy: And Other Tales from Africa: ~ When Hippo Was Hairy: And Other Tales from Africa: : Greaves, Nick/ Clement, Clement, Rod: Libri in altre lingue
When Hippo was Hairy and Other Tales from Africa - YouTube ~ Skip navigation Sign in. Search
When Hippo Was Hairy: : Nick Greaves: Libri in ~ Compra When Hippo Was Hairy. SPEDIZIONE GRATUITA su ordini idonei. Passa al contenuto principale. Iscriviti a Prime Ciao, Accedi Account e liste Accedi Account e liste Ordini Iscriviti a Prime Carrello. Tutte le categorie VAI Ricerca Bestseller Idee regalo Novità .
Startseite - About Africa ~ Buch Publikation Internet Film (Wissen, Bildung) Veröffentlicht: 14. November 2020 . In der Kunst und Auktionen 18/2020 ist meine Doppelkritik zu den Raubkunst-Büchern von Moritz Holfelder und Karl-Ferdiand Schädler unter dem Titel 'Der Geist des Kolonialismus' erscheinen. Zum PDF. Tribal Art Auktion bei Bruun Rasmussen am 6.12.2020. Info: Auktionen, Messen, Galerien, Ausstellungen .
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