Beschreibung The Story of Chanukah. This holiday board book celebrates the incredible origins of Chanukah. Children will learn about wicked King Antiochus, who turned the holy Temple into an unclean place, and about heroic Judah the Maccabee, who helped his people defeat the wicked king and restore purity to the temple. Most importantly, children will learn that God kept an almost-extinguished flame kindled in the Temple for eight days, making the burning flame an enduring symbol of his constant protection and love. Rabbi Silberg explains the story of Chanukah on a level even the youngest child can understand, and vivid illustrations depict the wonder and beauty of this special Jewish holiday.
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Das Wunder von Chanukka eBook: Rizzo, Cindy: ~ Alles in allem, enthält das Buch eine zarte Liebesgeschichte und eine bedeutungsvolle Message! Schade, dass „Das Wunder von Chanukka“ von Autorin Cindy Rizzo nur eine Kurzgeschichte ist, denn die kleine Erzählung hätte, auch durch ihre interessanten Begleitcharaktere und deren Hintergründe, sicher für einen langen Roman gereicht.
The Story of Chanukah: : Rabbi Francis Barry ~ The Story of Chanukah: : Rabbi Francis Barry Silberg, Pamela R. Levy: Fremdsprachige Bücher
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The Story of Chanukah - Chanukah - Hanukkah ~ The Story of Chanukah. Under Syrian Rule. More than 2000 years ago there was a time when the land of Israel was part of the Syrian-Greek Empire, dominated by Syrian rulers of the dynasty of the Seleucids. In order to relate the story that led up to Chanukah, we shall start with Antiochus III, the King of Syria, who reigned from 3538 to 3574 (222-186 B.C.E.). He had waged war with King Ptolemy .
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Religious Studies KS1: The Jewish Story of Hanukkah - BBC ~ An animated film narrating the Jewish story of Hanukkah. This clip will be relevant for teaching KS1 and Early and 1st Level Religious Studies.
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Hanukkah deutsch, over 20 years of experience to give you ~ Hanukkah deutsch. Chanukka erinnert an die Wiedereinweihung des zweiten jüdischen Tempels in Jerusalem im jüdischen Jahr 3597 (164 v. Chr.) nach dem erfolgreichen Makkabäeraufstand der Juden Judäas gegen hellenisierte Juden und makedonische Seleukiden, wie er im Ersten Buch der Makkabäer, bei Flavius Josephus und im Talmud überliefert ist Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'hanukkah' in .
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Maccabee!: The Story of Hanukkah: : Balsley ~ Maccabee tells the Hanukkah story, focusing on the actions of the famed heroic family that led the fight in Jerusalem against the idol-loving Greeks and their leader King Antiochus in ancient times (165 B.C.E.). The action in the picture book focuses on the small group of Jews who struggled long ago against the oppression and injustice inflicted by the invading Greeks as well as their .
Ein Pferd zu Channukka: Neuauflage mit glitzernden ~ The Story of Hanukkah . Hier kaufen oder eine gratis Kindle Lese-App herunterladen. Produktinformation. Gebundene Ausgabe: 32 Seiten; Verlag: Ariella Verlag; Auflage: 2 (16. November 2018) Sprache: Deutsch; ISBN-10: 3945530229; ISBN-13: 978-3945530221; Vom Hersteller empfohlenes Alter: 4 - 6 Jahre; Größe und/oder Gewicht: 22,8 x 1 x 27,1 cm Kundenrezensionen: 4,7 von 5 Sternen 2 .
The Story of Chanukah in Brief - Stories - Jewish Kids ~ The Story of Chanukah in Brief. REMEMBERING LIGHT. During the time of the 2nd Temple, the Holy Land was ruled by cruel Greeks. They robbed the Jews of their property, and set up idols in the Beit HaMikdash. No one could stand up against them, till Mattityahu and his sons rose up and drove them from the land. The Chanukah lights remind us of the great miracle that a small band of Jews defeated .
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