Beschreibung The Story of Passover. The story of how the Hebrews were set free from slavery in Egypt through the event that became known as Passover.
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Download your free Passover eBook – Word of Messiah Ministries ~ Download your free Passover eBook . Download Your Free E-Book Enjoy Passover Like Yeshua did. Learn more about the Passover feast that has been celebrated for thousands of years and discover: How Yeshua fulfills each aspect of the celebration; How Yeshua utilized the feast for the Good News; How you can deepen your faith by learning more about the Jewish roots of our faith ; CONTACT US. 8611 .
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The Story of Passover - BBC Bitesize ~ Download this activity from Twinkl to test your knowledge of the story of Moses. Cut out the pictures and arrange them in the right order, then try to do the same with the text.
What is the story of Passover? - CBBC Newsround ~ At Passover, Jewish people remember a story from a very long time ago. You can read about the story in the Book of Exodus, Chapter 12 in the Hebrew Bible called the Torah. More religious festivals
The Story of Passover • Torah ~ The Story of Passover. The holiday of Passover celebrates the Exodus from Egypt – when the descendents of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were liberated from slavery, and became a new and unique nation under God. Like those who have expressed antipathy towards Jews for millennia, the Egyptian Pharoah had no reason to hate them. On the contrary, Jacob’s son Joseph saved the country from famine .
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