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    Hassan and Aneesa Go to Masjid (Hassan & Aneesa)

    Beschreibung Hassan and Aneesa Go to Masjid (Hassan & Aneesa). Hassan and Aneesa are going to the masjid. At the masjid they will make wudu, visit the prayer hall, listen to the adhan, and perform a prayer. Follow them as they explore the masjid and see a mihrab, mimbar, dome and minaret; prepare to pray; and learn some general manners to observe inside.

    Buch Hassan and Aneesa Go to Masjid (Hassan & Aneesa) PDF ePub

    Hassan and Aneesa go to Masjid – Muslim Memories ~ The 'Hassan and Aneesa' series is designed to introduce young children to a range of Muslim places. They are colourfully designed and simply written and will guide children through a range of new experiences.Hassan and Aneesa are going to masjid. At masjid they will make wudu, visit the prayer hall, listen to the adhan

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    Hassan And Aneesa go to Masjid - Read aloud story./ The ~ A very Good book for children about Masjid. Follow Hassan and Aneesa while they explore the Masjid. Written By Yasmin Rahim And illustrations are done by Oma.

    Hassan and Aneesa Go to Masjid - The Islamic Foundation ~ Hassan and Aneesa Go to Masjid - Muslim Children's Book. Hassan and Aneesa are going to the masjid. At the masjid, they will make wudu, visit the prayer hall, listen to the adhan, and perform a prayer. Follow them as they explore the masjid, prepare to pray, and learn some general manners to observe inside.

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    Hassan and Aneesa go to Masjid – simplyislam-selected ~ DescriptionThe Hassan and Aneesa series is designed to introduce young children to a range of Muslim places. They are colourfully designed and simply written and will guide children through a range of new experiences.Hassan and Aneesa are going to masjid. At masjid they will make wudu visit the prayer hall listen to th

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    Hassan and Aneesa Go to Masjid (Hassan & Aneesa): Rahim ~ Hassan and Aneesa Go to Masjid (Hassan & Aneesa) Paperback – Illustrated, June 14, 2016 by Yasmeen Rahim (Author), Omar Burgess (Illustrator) 4.8 out of 5 stars 111 ratings

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