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    Whisper of Peace

    Beschreibung Whisper of Peace. Praise for Dawud Wharnsby's Colours of Islam:"[A] collection of modern poems and songs for Muslim children everywhere . . . combines religious thoughts with contemporary concerns and incorporates universal principles of truth, peace and faith."—Kirkus Reviews"Colours of Islam is yet another educational read by Wharnsby that is sure to educate all young readers on the principles of Islam. Recommended."—Canadian Review of Materials"Children and adults will be inspired and absorbed for hours."—Islamic HorizonsFrom the well-known singer and Muslim convert Dawud Wharnsby, this delightful collection covers important themes in Islam—its message of peace, love of the Prophet Muhammad, God's nearness, and caring for and marvelling at the wonders of the world. Full of uplifting rhymes and faithful ideas, this collection will inspire and inform children of all faiths and none.Dawud Wharnsby was born in Canada in 1972. He has been writing stories, songs, and poems for people of all ages for many years. When he is not traveling to sing with audiences around the world, he loves being with his family—hiking in the mountains near his home, growing vegetables, and fixing things that get broken around the house. Dawud loves adventures and being outdoors so much that he is an official Ambassador for Scouting (UK), encouraging young people to take care of the earth and build strong communities. The Wharnsby family lives seasonally between their homes in Pakistan, Canada, and the United States. Dawud lives in Kitchener, Ontario.

    Buch Whisper of Peace PDF ePub

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    A Whisper of Peace: : Wharnsby, Dawud, Adams ~ A Whisper of Peace / Wharnsby, Dawud, Adams, Shireen / ISBN: 9780860375340 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

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