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    Beskow, E: Peter in Blueberry Land: Mini Edition

    Beschreibung Beskow, E: Peter in Blueberry Land: Mini Edition. A mini gift edition of Elsa Beskow's classic story.Peter is looking for blueberries for his mother's birthday but he can't find a single one. Suddenly he feels a light tap on his shoe, and a strange and magical adventure begins.

    Buch Beskow, E: Peter in Blueberry Land: Mini Edition PDF ePub

    Peter in Blueberry Land: Mini Edition: Beskow, Elsa ~ The original translation in entitled Peter's Adventures in Blueberry Land and in translated by Sheila LaFarge. I found the original to be much more quaint and it correctly identifies the mother in red as Mrs. Lingonberry, not Mrs. Cranberry. Why would they translate it as cranberry, when Elsa Beskow goes to the trouble to try and illustrate her botanicals correctly? Anyway, I wanted others to .

    An Elsa Beskow Gift Collection: Peter in Blueberry Land ~ An Elsa Beskow Gift Collection: Peter in Blueberry Land and Other Beautiful Books / Beskow, Elsa / ISBN: 9781782503811 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Peter in Blueberry Land: Mini Edition: : Elsa ~ Elsa Beskow's "Peter In Blueberry Land" is one of our favorite children's books. The illustrations are lovely and the story delights a wide range of ages. The only problem is that this particular format (a hardcover book measuring 6.7" wide x 5.2" tall) does not do justice to such a treasure. The pictures are not as enjoyable and, in many cases, the publishers of this edition have chosen to .

    Peter in Blueberry Land - Elsa Beskow - Download Free ebook ~ This is a mini gift edition of Elsa Beskow’s classic story. Peter is looking for blueberries for his mother’s birthday but he can’t find a single one. Suddenly he feels a light tap on his shoe, and a strange and magical adventure begins. Download Peter in Blueberry Land –

    Peter in Blueberry Land: Mini Edition: Beskow, Elsa ~ Peter in Blueberry Land: Mini Edition Hardcover – Sept. 25 2005 by Elsa Beskow (Author) 4.5 out of 5 . Obtenez votre Kindle ici, or download a FREE Kindle Reading App. Product details. Hardcover: 32 pages; Publisher: Floris Books; Mini ed. edition (Sept. 25 2005) Language: English; ISBN-10: 0863154980; ISBN-13: 978-0863154980; Product Dimensions: 17.3 x 1 x 12.7 cm Shipping Weight: 99.8 g .

    By Elsa Beskow Peter in Blueberry Land: Beskow, Elsa ~ By Elsa Beskow Peter in Blueberry Land [Beskow, Elsa] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. By Elsa Beskow Peter in Blueberry Land

    Peter in Blueberry Land by Elsa Beskow, Hardcover / Barnes ~ A mini gift edition of Elsa Beskow's classic story. Peter is looking for blueberries for his mother's birthday but he can't find a single one. Suddenly he feels a light tap on his shoe, and a strange and magical adventure begins. Product Details; About the Author; Product Details. ISBN-13: 9780863154980: Publisher: Floris Books: Publication date: 09/15/2005: Edition description: New: Pages: 32 .

    Peter in Blueberry Land: : Elsa Beskow ~ Elsa Beskow's "Peter In Blueberry Land" is one of our favorite children's books. The illustrations are lovely and the story delights a wide range of ages. The only problem is that this particular format (a hardcover book measuring 6.7" wide x 5.2" tall) does not do justice to such a treasure. The pictures are not as enjoyable and, in many cases, the publishers of this edition have chosen to .

    The Flowers' Festival: Mini edition: Beskow, Elsa ~ The illustrations are beautiful, like all of the author's other books. The reading level was just too high for my kids! (Preschool) we made it through many of her other books (Princess Sylvie, Peter in Blueberry land, etc), but this one just had too many words.

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    Hänschen im Blaubeerwald [Loewe Verlag] ~ Peter's Adventure in Blueberry Land Elsa Maartman Beskow, Sheila Lafarge Doubleday, 1975 [gebunden] [Englisch] 12.) Pikku puten seikkailu mustikkametässä Elsa Beskow (Autorin) Gummerus, Jyväskylä, 1974 [Finnisch]