Beschreibung Beskow, E: Ollie's Ski Trip: Mini Edition. Six-year-old Ollie is given his first pair of real skis. As soon as the snow begins to fall he heads off into the woods and meets sparkling Jack Frost, who shoos away damp Mrs Thaw.Jack Frost takes him on an adventure to the palace of King Winter. Ollie has a wonderful time in a huge snowball fight! But will Mrs Thaw return too soon for Ollie to enjoy the snow?
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Ollie's Ski Trip: Mini Edition by Elsa Beskow, Hardcover ~ Ollie's Ski Trip: Mini Edition 32. by Elsa Beskow / Editorial Reviews. Hardcover $ 9 . A mini gift edition of Elsa Beskow's classic story.Pelle has a lamb whose coat grows longer and longer, while Pelle’s Sunday suit grows shorter! Pelle shears the lamb, and the wool is carded, spun, dyed and woven. Finally, the tailor . View Product [ x ] close. Peter and Lotta's Christmas. Peter and .
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