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    Paul Bunyan Swings His Axe

    Beschreibung Paul Bunyan Swings His Axe. Presents seventeen authentic folktales of the giant logger's exploits in the North Woods

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    Paul Bunyan Swings His Axe by Dell J. McCormick 1936-01-01 ~ Paul Bunyan Swings His Axe by Dell J. McCormick (1936-01-01) / Dell J. McCormick / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

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    Paul Bunyan swings his axe : McCormick, Dell J., 1892-1949 ~ Paul Bunyan swings his axe by McCormick, Dell J., 1892-1949; Summers, Leo. Publication date 1963 Topics Bunyan, Paul (Legendary character), Bunyan, Paul (Legendary character), Folklore Publisher New York : Scholastic Book Services Collection inlibrary; printdisabled; internetarchivebooks; china Digitizing sponsor Internet Archive Contributor Internet Archive Language English. Access-restricted .

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    Paul Bunyan - Wikipedia ~ Paul Bunyan is a giant lumberjack and folk hero in American and Canadian folklore. His exploits revolve around the tall tales of his superhuman labors, and he is customarily accompanied by Babe the Blue Ox.The character originated in the oral tradition of North American loggers, and was later popularized by freelance writer William B. Laughead (1882–1958) in a 1916 promotional pamphlet for .

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