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    Judaism and the World's Religions

    Beschreibung Judaism and the World's Religions. A guide to the many paths through which people search for God. Jewish answers to tough questions:Atheism. Can we live an ethical life without God?Fundamentalism. What are the attractions--and the dangers--of simple answers in a complex world?Assimilation and Intermarriage. Does it matter if Judaism survives?Hinduism. Buddhism. Islam. Christianity. What do these faith share with Judaism, and how do they differ?The history, beliefs, practices, and teachings of each major religion, seen through Jewish eyes.

    Buch Judaism and the World's Religions PDF ePub

    A. Brill: Judaism and World Religions (Buch (kartoniert ~ A. Brill: Judaism and World Religions - Encountering Christianity, Islam, and Eastern Traditions. 1st ed. 2012. Paperback. Sprache: Englisch. (Buch (kartoniert .

    Judaism and the World's Religions: : Cantor ~ Judaism and the World's Religions / Cantor Deborah Bedor, Deborah Bedor, David Bamberger / ISBN: 9780874414813 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Judaism and World Religions: Encountering Christianity ~ Judaism and World Religions: Encountering Christianity, Islam, and Eastern Traditions: : A. Brill: Fremdsprachige Bücher

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