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    Let's Celebrate Purim

    Beschreibung Let's Celebrate Purim. This sixteen-page magazine is filled with vibrant photographs of family celebrations to bring holiday observance to life for your students and their parents. Stories, songs, and activities add fun and meaning to the retelling of the story of Purim and its rituals and values. Every magazine has a special page to help families get the most out of the holiday. These irresistibly colorful magazines will create a strong and vital link between the classroom and the living room.

    Buch Let's Celebrate Purim PDF ePub

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    Purim - CBeebies - BBC ~ All Let's Celebrate Let's Celebrate - Purim. Scroll or swipe down to discover more about the Jewish festival of Purim. Love Loved Unlove 46. Preparing for Purim Eden and Lulu get ready for the .

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    Purim – Wikipedia ~ Purim ist ein Fest, das an die Errettung des jüdischen Volkes aus drohender Gefahr in der persischen Diaspora erinnert. Nach dem Buch Ester versuchte Haman, der höchste Regierungsbeamte des persischen Königs, die gesamten Juden im Perserreich an einem Tag zu ermorden. Königin Ester führt jedoch durch Fasten und Gebet die Rettung herbei.

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    Let’s celebrate Purim! / Jüdisches Museum Wien ~ A guided tour for children will feature ALL of the objects relating to Purim. The exciting story will be related in a pantomime theater in which you can all join in using rattles and other noisy instruments made in the workshop. For children from 6 to 10 years. Free admission for children and two accompanying adults. Please register: Educational Department , tel.: +43 1 535 0431-130 and -131 or

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    Purim / Definition, Traditions, & Facts / Britannica ~ Purim, a joyous Jewish festival commemorating the survival of the Jews who, in the 5th century BCE, were marked for death by their Persian rulers. The story is related in the biblical Book of Esther. Learn more about the traditions and history of Purim.

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