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    La Historia de los Colores / The Story Of Colors: A Bilingual Folktale From The Jungles Of Chiapas

    Beschreibung La Historia de los Colores / The Story Of Colors: A Bilingual Folktale From The Jungles Of Chiapas. "Beautiful bilingual retelling for children of a folktale from Chiapas that explains how colors were created, why people differ in color and ways of thinking, and why the macau sports all the colors. Excellent translation; stunning illustrations. A remarkable book"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 58.http://www.loc.gov/hlas/Recounts in English and Spanish a Maya legend about how the colors escaped from the box in which the gods stored them to bring color to a world where everything was black, white, or gray

    Buch La Historia de los Colores / The Story Of Colors: A Bilingual Folktale From The Jungles Of Chiapas PDF ePub

    The Story Of Colors La Historia De Los Colores A Bilingual ~ The Story Of Colors La Historia De Los Colores A Bilingual Folktale From The Jungles Of Chiapas English And Spanish Edition Author: gallery.ctsnet-Sven Strauss-2020-10-14-16-39-32 Subject: The Story Of Colors La Historia De Los Colores A Bilingual Folktale From The Jungles Of Chiapas English And Spanish Edition Keywords

    The Story Of Colors La Historia De Los Colores A Bilingual ~ The Story Of Colors La Historia De Los Colores A Bilingual Folktale From The Jungles Of Chiapas English And Author: ��gallery.ctsnet-Anne Kuefer-2020-08-30-19-22-25 Subject: ��The Story Of Colors La Historia De Los Colores A Bilingual Folktale From The Jungles Of Chiapas English And Keywords

    The Story of Colors - Wikipedia ~ The Story of Colors (La Historia de los Colores) is a children's book written by Subcomandante Marcos of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation.First published in 1996, it generated controversy after the National Endowment for the Arts canceled grant money for an illustrated bilingual edition in both Spanish and English. The Lannan Foundation stepped in with support after the NEA withdrew.

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