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    Al-Fiqh Al-Islami: According to the Hanafi Madhhab: Zakah, Fasting and Hajj Volume 2

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    Nur al-Idah - The Light of Clarification : Abu al-Ikhlas ~ Nur al-Idah is a Hanafi text which includes vast areas of jurisprudence, namely, the rulings pertaining to worship. It leaves the student or general reader well prepared to deal with the majority of matters ranging from purification, prayer, funerals, zakah to hajj. It reveals in a small way as to why the Hanafi Madhhab is held in such high esteem from scholars all over the world. It is .

    The Hanbali Madhhab ~ Our aim is to teach and explain the Hanbali school of jurisprudence, mainly to the English speaking world, according to the way it was established by the great jurists and scholars of the school. We aim to do so by writing articles on contemporary issues, recording classes, answering peopleā€™s questions, posting updates relating to the madhhab and learning Hanbali Fiqh, and using other .

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    CISForm Center for the Study of Islam and Social ~ Lihat, QS. Al-Jatsiyah (45): 17 dan QS. Al-Maā€™idah (5): 48, dan lihat juga Ziauddin Sardar, ā€œThe Ethical Connnecion: Christian-Muslim Relations in the Postmodern Age,ā€ dalam Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, Volume 2, Number 1 June 1991, 66. 22 Alim Roswantoro

    Hanafi - Wikipedia ~ The foundational texts of Hanafi madhhab, credited to AbÅ« įø¤anÄ«fa and his students Abu Yusuf and Muhammad al-Shaybani, include Al-fiqh al-akbar (theological book on jurisprudence), Al-fiqh al-absat (general book on jurisprudence), Kitab al-athar (thousands of hadiths with commentary), Kitab al-kharaj and Kitab al-siyar (doctrine of war against unbelievers, distribution of spoils of war .