Beschreibung Quran: A Reformist Translation. - The Reformist Translation of the Quran offers a non-sexist and non-sectarian understanding of the divine text; it is the result of collaboration between three translators, two men and a woman. - It explicitly rejects the authority of the clergy to deter
(PDF) Quran: A Reformist Translation / Edip Yuksel ~ is a platform for academics to share research papers.
Quran: A Reformist Translation: : Schulte-Nafeh ~ - The Reformist Translation of the Quran offers a non-sexist and non-sectarian understanding of the divine text; it is the result of collaboration between three translators, two men and a woman. - It explicitly rejects the authority of the clergy to determine the likely meaning of disputed passages. - It uses logic and the language of the Quran itself as the ultimate authority in determining likely meanings, rather than ancient scholarly interpretations rooted in patriarchal hierarchies .
Quran: a Reformist Translation (Koran, Kuran in Modern ~ This Reformist Translation of the Quran and its ancillary materials should begin many conversations, between and among Muslims and non-Muslims alike. In many parts of the Muslim world this is a dangerous discussion, and sometimes that danger can reach well into the West, as evidenced by the 1990 fatwa-inspired murder of Rashad Khalifa in Tucson, Arizona . It is an important discussion, however, and the editors of this book have assumed this risk to argue for a perspective that sets violence .
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pdf-COMPLETE QURAN: A REFORMIST TRANSLATION: Edip Yuksel ~ This Reformist Translation of the Quran and its ancillary materials should begin many conversations, between and among Muslims and non-Muslims alike. In many parts of the Muslim world this is a dangerous discussion, and sometimes that danger can reach well into the West, as evidenced by the 1990 fatwa-inspired murder of Rashad Khalifa in Tucson, Arizona. It is an important discussion, however, and the editors of this book have assumed this risk to argue for a perspective
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Quran: a Reformist Translation (Koran, Kuran in Modern ~ Quran: a Reformist Translation (Koran, Kuran in Modern English) - Kindle edition by Yuksel, Edip, Schulte-Nafeh, Martha, Saleh al-Shaiban, Layth, Yuksel, Edip. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Quran: a Reformist Translation (Koran, Kuran in Modern English).
Quran: a Reformist Translation: A book betrayed by Muslims ~ Quran: a Reformist Translation: A book betrayed by Muslims / Yuksel, Edip, Schulte-Nafeh, Martha, Saleh al-Shaiban, Layth / ISBN: 9781708963057 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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Quran: a Reformist Translation (Koran, Kuran in Modern ~ The Reformist Translation of the Quran offers a non-sexist understanding of the divine text; it is the result of collaboration between three translators, two men and a woman. It explicitly rejects the right of the clergy to determine the likely meaning of disputed passages It uses logic and the language of the Quran itself as the ultimate authority in determining likely meanings, rather than .
Quran: A Reformist Translation / Edip Yuksel, Layth Saleh ~ "Quran: A Reformist Translation is also unique because it is the product of collaboration between two key figures in the pre-sent-day Qur'anist movement: Edip Yuksel and Layth Saleh al-Shaiban." - Aisha Y. Musa, PhD, Professor of Islamic Studies, Florida International University; author of An Examination of Early and Contemporary Muslim Attitudes toward Hadith as Scripture (Doctoral .
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Quran: a Reformist Translation: A book betrayed by Muslims ~ Quran: a Reformist Translation: A book betrayed by Muslims - Kindle edition by Yuksel, Edip, Schulte-Nafeh, Martha, Saleh al-Shaiban, Layth. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Quran: a Reformist Translation: A book betrayed by Muslims.
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Descargar Ebook Quran: A Reformist Translation de Martha ~ Quran: A Reformist Translation de Martha Schulte-Nafeh,Edip Yuksel,Layth Saleh Al-Shaiban Autor: Martha Schulte-Nafeh,Edip Yuksel,Layth Saleh Al-Shaiban Categoria: Libros,Juvenil,Religión y espiritualidad Tapa blanda: 680 páginas Editor: BRAINBOW PR (1 de mayo de 2010) Colección: Idioma: Inglés ISBN-10: 979671507 ISBN-13: 978-0979671500
The Message - A Translation of the Glorious Qur'an: A Pure ~ Quran: A Reformist Translation Martha Schulte-Nafeh. 4,1 . This is the most accurate translation of the Qur'an along with A Reformist Translation. Neither of which are distorted by sects like Sunni or Shia. But I wish they continued to print the one with the beautiful red cover that I happen to be fortunate enough to have a single copy of. I can't find that cover anywhere and the new one .
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Koranismus – Wikipedia ~ Der Koranismus (arabisch القرآنيون, DMG al-Qurʾāniyyūn) ist eine Strömung im Islam, deren Anhänger den Koran als Quelle des Glaubens ansehen und Hadithe als theologische und rechtliche Quelle neben dem Koran ablehnen. Koranisten (arabisch أهل القرآن, DMG Ahl al-Qurʾān) glauben, dass Gottes Botschaft im Koran klar und vollständig ist, und dass sie daher vollständig .
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