Beschreibung Chatur (Hindi). Yeh kahani hai Chatur dhobhi aur mand gadha ki. Aalsi Mand ka naara hai "NaNa hum to aaram karenge" aur Chatur ki nazar sirf taraki par hai. Jab Mand ka tevar chatur ko khatakne laga, to usne dikhai apni chaturai. Kya chatur ko apni chaturai mehnga padega? This is a story about Chatur, the Dhobhi and Mand the donkey. Chatur is smart and progressive by nature and his Lazy donkey Mand's answer to any request was "No No No, I gotta take it easy." Chatur realized that his success is limited by Mand's attitude, So Chatur thought of a smart idea, will it work or will it hit him back? This book is written in Hindi script and also in Hindi using English script. Reviews: An interesting story backed by excellent illustrations - Veena Nagpal, author of "The Uncommon Memories of Zeenat Quereishi" The book is so cute! I just love the illustrations. - Vidur Sury from I love Atal! - Sanvi 7yrs I really liked Chatur's idea - Melissa 7yrs
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