Beschreibung Who Are You? a Book of Very Serious Questions. This book is meant to present the Traditional Sunni Muslim view of the creation of Man and the world. It addresses the basic questions of who we are and why we were made. The simple text is appropriate for children of all ages and is accompanied by 25 full color original illustrations. It asks important questions and provides simple answers. Read together by parent and child it should generate easy conversations on a serious subject. The notes in the back support the text with Quran and Hadith encouraging those who are interested to investigate further. For those who are not familiar with Islam it is a good introduction to the basic concepts of the nature of human existence and its purpose. It is a beautiful addition to any home library, for Muslims and non-Muslims alike.
Who Are You? a Book of Very Serious Questions: ~ Who Are You? a Book of Very Serious Questions: : Sperling, Karima, Nazeer, Alia: Fremdsprachige BĂŒcher
Who Are You? A Book of Very Serious Questions: Sperling ~ I found the book very helpful as a tool to begin explaining our relationship to Allah and his Prophet (sws) to my children. The theme of love is very prominent in the book, as is the Mercy of Allah towards his servants. It is a book that guides with gentleness and opens the door to the unfathomable by making it seem close and familiar. A very good start to any young Muslim's education.
: Customer reviews: Who Are You? A Book of Very ~ or "No! He isn't" in answer to the questions. I found the book very helpful as a tool to begin explaining our relationship to Allah and his Prophet (sws) to my children. The theme of love is very prominent in the book, as is the Mercy of Allah towards his servants. It is a book that guides with gentleness and opens the door to the unfathomable by making it seem close and familiar. A very good .
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