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    Small for the Glory of God: Saint John the Dwarf (God's Forgotten Friends: Little-known Saints for Children)

    Beschreibung Small for the Glory of God: Saint John the Dwarf (God's Forgotten Friends: Little-known Saints for Children). Meet Saint John, a little fellow with a huge heart,who did ALL FOR THE GLORY OF GOD and learned to love Him enormously! Being different from others is never easy. Saint John the Dwarf, of all people, could tell you that! Forever standing on chairs to reach things, unable to play games with other children because of his size, and being teased by the village bullies were all hard things to bear, and could have made John bitter and full of self-pity. But John discovered a secret – a great BIG secret – which changed his life and turned him into a giant of a saint. Join Little John on his adventures – from his home to a desert cave, to the altar and beyond – and let him teach you his secret of holiness too!With charming full-color illustrations and easy-to-read text, this first book in Susan Peek's new series for children (companion to her series for teens, “God's Forgotten Friends: Lives of Little-known Saints”) is sure to capture the hearts of Catholic children everywhere.

    Buch Small for the Glory of God: Saint John the Dwarf (God's Forgotten Friends: Little-known Saints for Children) PDF ePub

    Small for the Glory of God: Saint John the Dwarf (God's ~ Small for the Glory of God: Saint John the Dwarf (God's Forgotten Friends: Little-known Saints for Children) (Volume 1) [Peek, Susan, Parnelli, Martina] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Small for the Glory of God: Saint John the Dwarf (God's Forgotten Friends: Little-known Saints for Children) (Volume 1)

    Small for the Glory of God by Susan Peek - Goodreads ~ Meet Saint John, a little fellow with a huge heart, who did ALL FOR THE GLORY OF GOD and learned to love Him enormously! Being different from others is never easy. Saint John the Dwarf, of all people, could tell you that! Forever standing on chairs to reach things, unable to play games with other children because of his size, and being teased by the village bullies were al

    SMALL FOR THE GLORY OF GOD / Marian Catechist Apostolate ~ Meet Saint John, a little fellow with a huge heart, who did ALL FOR THE GLORY OF GOD and learned to love Him enormously! Being different from others is never easy. Saint John the Dwarf, of all people, could tell you that! Forever standing on chairs to reach things, unable to play games with other children because of his size, and being teased by the village bullies were all hard things to bear .

    Small for the Glory of God : Saint John the Dwarf by Susan ~ Small for the Glory of God: Saint John the Dwarf, ISBN 0997000546, ISBN-13 9780997000542, Brand New, Free shipping in the US

    : Customer reviews: Small for the Glory of God ~ Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Small for the Glory of God: Saint John the Dwarf (God's Forgotten Friends: Little-known Saints for Children) (Volume 1) at . Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users.

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