Beschreibung Is Allah Real? (Children's First Questions, Band 4). Discover the signs of Allah in the divine balance and common patterns found in the natural world.The Children’s First Questions series promotes curiosity and encourages the pursuit of knowledge, and scientific literacy. Helping children to grasp complex concepts in a unique and age appropriate way, using authentic Islamic sources and scientific facts.Give your kids the bridge they need between scientific discovery and Islamic identity. With original ink drawings, facts, and diagrams, this is an Islamic children's book unlike any other you have on your shelf. OTHER BOOKS IN THE SERIES:How Big Is Allah?How Does Allah Look?Where Is Allah?This series is written according to the Qur'an and Sunnah and does not describe Allah in any way.
Is Allah Real? Children's First Questions, Band 4: ~ Is Allah Real? Children's First Questions, Band 4: : Apple, Emma: Fremdsprachige Bücher
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Is Allah Real? (Children's First Questions): Apple, Emma ~ The Children’s First Questions series promotes curiosity and encourages the pursuit of knowledge, and scientific literacy. Helping children to grasp complex concepts in a unique and age appropriate way, using authentic Islamic sources and scientific facts. Give your kids the bridge they need between scientific discovery and Islamic identity .
How Big Is Allah? Children's First Questions, Band 1 ~ How Big Is Allah? Children's First Questions, Band 1: : Apple, Emma: Fremdsprachige Bücher
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Woher kommt Allah / Wortherkunft von Allah / wissen ~ Allah Bezeichnung der Muslime für Gott ♦ aus arab. all ā h „ Gott “ , zusammengezogen aus arab.
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Allah – Wikipedia ~ Allah (arabisch الله, DMG Allāh, ʔalˤːɑːh Aussprache? / i) ist das arabische Wort für (der) Gott. Des Weiteren verwendet man den Begriff in der heiligen Schrift der Sikhs sowie auf Maltesisch, das von der arabischen Sprache abstammt.. Im Islam wird der Begriff ausschließlich zur Bezeichnung eines als einzig aufgefassten Gottes verwendet.
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