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    What's That? Maa Haatha? (English/Arabic Early Learners, Band 1)

    Beschreibung What's That? Maa Haatha? (English/Arabic Early Learners, Band 1). A bilingual picture book teaching English and Arabic names for zoo animals. You’ll also learn to ask “What’s That?” in both languages. A perfect early learning book for Arabic, Muslim, and multilingual bookshelves. Written like a fun guessing game to engage even the youngest readers. If they love Dear Zoo, they’ll love this bilingual picture book just as much!What’s That? ما هذا؟ Maa Haatha? exposes children to a new language in a relaxed and fun way. It is, therefore, a great book for Muslim children learning Arabic for their Islamic education. Likewise, perfect for Arabic speaking children beginning to learn English and vice versa. And of course, excellent for multilingual homes, classrooms, and libraries. Also, includes transliteration for readers who can’t yet read the Arabic alphabet.From the bestselling author of How Big Is Allah? and the Owl & Cat picture book series, Emma Apple.

    Buch What's That? Maa Haatha? (English/Arabic Early Learners, Band 1) PDF ePub

    What's That? Maa Haatha? English/Arabic Early Learners ~ What's That? Maa Haatha? (English/Arabic Early Learners, Band 1) / Emma Apple / ISBN: 9780997580471 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    What's That? Maa Haatha? The Coloring Book English/Arabic ~ What's That? Maa Haatha? The Coloring Book English/Arabic Early Learners, Band 1: : Emma Apple: Fremdsprachige Bücher

    What's That? Maa Haatha? The Coloring Book English/Arabic ~ What's That? Maa Haatha? The Coloring Book (English/Arabic Early Learners, Band 1) / Apple, Emma / ISBN: 9780997580495 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    What's That? Maa Haatha? (English/Arabic Early Learners ~ What's That? Maa Haatha? (English/Arabic Early Learners) [Emma Apple] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Learn the English and Arabic names for zoo animals while you practice asking "What’s That?" in both languages. A perfect early learning book for children

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