Beschreibung The Phoinix: Age of Demigods. Breanna, a young Etruscan princess, comes from a famed bloodline of demigods. Since childhood, she has dreaded the nights of her birthdays when a full Blood Moon rises and her dreams are plagued with vivid, horrifying memories...of another's life. As her nightmares consume her mind, her body reacts, causing violent outbursts that jeopardize the safety of those she loves. On her eighteenth birthday, an ancient prophecy threatening to destroy everything she loves thrusts Breanna into a magical feud between an old enemy and the gods. Now she must decide between those she loves and accepting her destiny to save the gods from destruction. As she stands at the crossroads of fate, Bre begins to doubt the intentions of the gods and wonders if she faces the same demise as her predecessor, and worse yet, what is the cost of becoming their savior? The Phoinix rises into the literary world as the debut series of S. L. Mancuso, sharing an epic tale of myths, war-torn civilizations, and a complex love affair that transcends time.
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