Beschreibung Sir Simon: Super Scarer. A delightful, funny story of friendship, ghost chores, a spooky house and a professional haunter.Meet Sir Simon, Super Scarer. He's a professional ghost who has been transferred to his first house. And just in time! He was getting tired of haunting bus stops and forests and potatoes. And to top it off, this house is occupied by an old lady -- they're the easiest to haunt!But things don't go as planned when it turns out a KID comes with this old lady. Chester spots Simon immediately and peppers him with questions. Simon is exasperated. . . until he realizes he can trick Chester into doing his ghost chores. Spooky sounds, footsteps in the attic, creaks on the stairs -- these things don't happen on their own, you know! After a long night of haunting, it seems that maybe Chester isn't cut out to be a ghost, so Simon decides to help with Chester's human chores. Turns out Simon isn't cut out for human chores either. But maybe they're both cut out to be friends . . .
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Sir Simon: Super Scarer - Download Ebooks - Holly & Lucy ~ Meet Sir Simon, Super Scarer. He's a professional ghost who has been transferred to his first house. And just in time! He was getting tired of haunting bus stops and forests and potatoes. And to top it off, this house is occupied by an old lady -- they're the easiest to haunt!
Sir Simon: Super Scarer Cale Atkinson Monsters & Ghosts ~ Title: Sir Simon: Super Scarer Cale Atkinson Monsters & Ghosts Author: Cale Atkinson Subject: Downloads PDF Sir Simon: Super Scarer by Cale Atkinson Monsters & Ghosts Books A delightful, funny story of friendship, ghost chores, a spooky house and a professional haunter.
Sir Simon: Super Scarer: Atkinson, Cale: 9781101919095 ~ Sir Simon Super Scarer is one spooktacular read! I couldn’t resist saying that. It is highly likely that every reader will make this same declaration. But don’t worry, it isn’t the sort of freight that will keep your kids up at night, I mean come on, there’s a picture of a ghost’s butt cheeks on the back cover! That alone had me cracking up and I’m supposed to be the mature one .
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Sir Simon: Super Scarer by Cale Atkinson, Hardcover ~ A "Super Scarer / Ghostest with the mostest" (according to his business card) learns a bit about being a ghost…and about being a human.Sir Simon has haunted all sorts of things, from a bus stop to a potato, but he's just gotten his first haunted house assignment, which means he'll have "Ghost chores" to do: stair creaking, toilet flushing, attic stomping, etc. But when the expected elderly .
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Sir Simon: Super Scarer / IndieBound ~ Meet Sir Simon, Super Scarer. He's a professional ghost who has been transferred to his first house. And just in time! He was getting tired of haunting bus stops and forests and potatoes. And to top it off, this house is occupied by an old lady -- they're the easiest to haunt! But things don't go as planned when it turns out a KID comes with this old lady. Chester spots Simon immediately and .
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