Beschreibung I Am: The Names of God for Little Ones. God is the Creator, the Healer, our Savior, and our Friend. And it is through God’s names that we understand His character. Now little ones will understand how great our God is by learning His names and all the ways He cares for them.Show your little one the character of God with I AM: The Names of God for Little Ones. Capturing the names and characteristics of God through short Bible stories, Scripture, and bright illustrations, I AM: The Names of God for Little Ones helps you learn about God in a way that will draw even the youngest child. Children will close the book feeling loved, protected, and secure in the arms of the great I AM.Written by bestselling author Diane Stortz and illustrated by Diane Le Feyer, I AM: The Names of God for Little Ones is a great companion to the bestselling Bible storybook I AM.
I Am: The Names of God for Little Ones by Diane Stortz ~ I AM: The Names of God for Little Ones is a board book with beautiful, glittery, touchy-feely cover that is sure to appeal to babies and toddlers and not only that but it packs a valuable message. The names of God. A couple of years ago, my pastor-husband preached a series of sermons about the names of God. It went into greater detail than this book, of course, and mentioned more names of God .
I AM ~ Download free coloring pages for I AM: The Names of God for Little Ones – Diane. Reader Reviews. Oh my! I love this board book! I love everything about it. The textured, sparkly cover, the utterly gorgeous illustrations throughout and the incredible topic. What a fantastic idea to have a children’s book on. Diane has really nailed it with this book – it is easy to read with little ones .
I Am: The Names of God for Little Ones - Companion to I Am ~ I AM: The Names of God for Little Ones helps children feel loved, protected, and secure as they learn twelve of God’s names. They include Elohim, Jehovah, and Rabbi. It tells what those names reveal about how much God loves us. Each spread will also include simple text about a name of God. In addition, there is Scripture and a short prayer.
I AM: The Names of God for Little Ones: Diane Stortz ~ I Am: The Names of God for Little Ones by Diane Stortz, helps children feel loved, protected, and secure as they learn twelve of God's names---including Elohim, Jehovah, and Rabbi---and what those names reveal about how much God loves us. Each spread will include a simple text about a name of God, along with Scripture and a short prayer.
I Am: The Names of God for Little Ones – FaithGateway Store ~ God is the Creator, the Healer, our Savior, and our Friend. And it is through God’s names that we understand His character. Now little ones will understand how great our God is by learning His names and all the ways He cares for them. Show your little one the character of God with I AM: The Names of God for Little Ones
I Am: Names Of God For Little Ones - Ages 2 to 6 - VCY ~ Show your little one the character of God with I AM: The Names of God for Little Ones.Capturing the names and characteristics of God through short Bible stories, Scripture, and bright illustrations, I AM: The Names of God for Little Ones helps you learn about God in a way that will draw even the youngest child.Children will close the book feeling loved, protected, and secure in the arms of the .
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