Beschreibung Precious Moments Storybook Bible. Inthis special Bible storybook, beloved Bible stories are combined with the endearing artof Sam Butcher's Precious Moments® characters. Every story is illustrated withfull color borders that playfully decorate the page along with large images tohelp bring the Bible story to life for your child. Their interest will stay onthe page as you read the delightful paraphrased stories from the International Children's Bible®while they areentertained by the art that has engaged millions of children around theworld. The text is a large and very readable 14-point size. . . greatfor beginningreaders! Also included will be a section for children's songs, specialprayers, and a presentationsection with family tree, etc.
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Precious Moments: Precious Moments: My Easter Bible ~ Precious Moments: Precious Moments: My Easter Bible Storybook - Empfohlen von 2 bis 5 Jahren. Sprache: Englisch. (eBook epub) - bei eBook
Precious Moments Storybook Bible Precious Moments Thomas ~ Precious Moments Storybook Bible Precious Moments Thomas Nelson: : Samuel J. Butcher: Fremdsprachige Bücher
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