Beschreibung The Creeps: Book 1: Night of the Frankenfrogs. In Pumpkins County, weird things happen every day, but nobody ever makes a fuss. Nobody, that is, except the Creeps: Carol, a big-city girl new to Pumpkins County, who finds kindred spirits in Mitchell (monster expert), Jarvis (military brat with logistics know-how), and Rosario (girly girl on the outside, muscle underneath). The Creeps are on the case to figure out the spooky mysteries and still get to class on time. Last week it was a pudding monster. This week, it’s killer frogs—reanimated from the team’s biology class dissection experiment. Who’s behind the Frankenfrog attacks? The Creeps will track down the answers! In this new creepy graphic novel series, Chris Schweizer’s art is full of the visual excitement that only the best graphic novel creators can pull off.
The Creeps: Book 1: Night of the Frankenfrogs: ~ The Creeps: Book 1: Night of the Frankenfrogs: : Chris Schweizer, Margaret Berg: Bücher
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PDF « The Creeps: Night of the Frankenfrogs Book 1 ~ The Creeps: Night of the Frankenfrogs Book 1 (Paperback) By Chris Schweizer Abrams, United States, 2015. Paperback. Book Condition: New. 191 x 140 mm. Language: English . Brand New Book. At Pumpkins County Middle School, weird things happen every class period, not to mention during lunch, but nobody ever makes a fuss. Principal Garish thinks what s weird and .well.creepy is how fascinating the .
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The Creeps: Book 1: Night of the Frankenfrogs / IndieBound ~ The Creeps . Book 1: Night of the Frankenfrogs. Chris Schweizer. Hardcover. List Price: 17.95* * Individual store prices may vary. Other Editions of This Title: Paperback (8/11/2015) Paperback (9/27/2016) Paperback (3/8/2016) Hardcover (3/8/2016) Hardcover (9/27/2016) Prebound (9/27/2016) Prebound (8/11/2015) Praise For The Creeps: Book 1: Night of the Frankenfrogs… "An excellent complement .
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The Night of the Frankenfrogs: : Chris Schweizer ~ The Night of the Frankenfrogs / Chris Schweizer / ISBN: 9780606382076 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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The Creeps: Book 1: Night Of The Frankenfrogs, Book by ~ Title: The Creeps: Book 1: Night Of The Frankenfrogs Format: Paperback Product dimensions: 126 pages, 7.5 X 5.5 X 0.5 in Shipping dimensions: 126 pages, 7.5 X 5.5 X 0.5 in Published: August 11, 2015 Publisher: Harry N. Abrams Language: English. The following ISBNs are associated with this title: ISBN - 10: 1419717669. ISBN - 13: 9781419717666. Appropriate for ages: 8. Look for similar items by .
The Creeps - Jet ~ In Pumpkins County, weird things happen every day, but nobody ever makes a fuss. Nobody, that is, except the Creeps: Carol, a big-city girl new to Pumpkins County, who finds kindred spirits in Mitchell (monster expert), Jarvis (military brat with logistics know-how), and Rosario (girly girl on the outside, muscle underneath). The Creeps are on the case to figure out the spooky mysteries and .
: Customer reviews: The Creeps: Book 1: Night of ~ 'The Creeps: Book 1: Night of the Frankenfrogs' by Chris Schweizer feels like not the first book in a series even though it is one. Regardless, it's a fun romp full of weird creatures and gross situations. The Creeps are a bunch of misfit kids with varying talents. At the beginning of the book, they've obviously been in trouble for something, so the school is making them fill in for the school .
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