Beschreibung Find the Hamantaschen: A Visual Purim Challenge. A fun visual challenge picture puzzles book find hiding hamantaschen in the pictures inside. There are 'find the duck' books and 'Where's Waldo' kind of books, and this is a special Purim where's the Hamantaschen book. With 30 pictures to find Haman ears (hamantash) + 5 more pictures to find hiding Purim graggers. and 5 extra images to spot the Purim face mask, all hiding well in the pictures. Make Purim, the happy festival of Adar even more exciting with this game book.
Find the Hamantaschen: A Visual Purim Challenge: ~ Find the Hamantaschen: A Visual Purim Challenge / Rachel Mintz / ISBN: 9781520392387 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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Find the Hamantaschen: A Visual Purim Challenge eBook ~ Find the Hamantaschen: A Visual Purim Challenge eBook: Mintz, Rachel: .au: Kindle Store
Find the Hamantaschen: A Visual Purim Challenge: Rachel ~ A fun visual challenge picture puzzles book find hiding hamantaschen in the pictures inside. There are 'find the duck' books and 'Where's Waldo' kind of books, and this is a special Purim where's the Hamantaschen book. With 30 pictures to find Haman ears (hamantash) + 5 more pictures to find hiding Purim graggers. and 5 extra images to spot the .
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