Beschreibung Living in "The Now" in Easy Steps: Understanding The Masters of Enlightenment, Eckhart Tolle, Dalai Lama, Krishnamurti and more! (The Secret of Now Series, Band 1). THIS WORKBOOK CONTAINS 7 basic lessons and exercises you can apply to begin to slow down your "chattering mind" and start living in the Now, an experience that will grant you inner peace and freedom from illusion starting TODAY.Its pages present the basic concepts, principles, and methods behind the spiritual teachings of Eckhart Tolle, Dalai Lama, Krishnamurti, and Meister Eckhart, among others, based on the premise that "In essence there is and always has been only one spiritual teaching, although it comes in many forms." Highly recommended for searchers of the Truth wanting to escape from illusion and experience inner peace, this revealing workbook considers the following ancient premises:Human suffering and unhappiness are produced by our "chattering mind," which unceasingly creates an inner dialogue or chatter, preventing us from experiencing the Now.There is a way to slow down and stop our chattering mind. Once you learn how to do this, you too will be able to slow down and stop it when needed (especially when you sincerely need to stop it and end your distress and self-inflicted suffering.You cannot stop your thoughts completely, nor is it desirable. Even enlightened beings need to live and interact with society, like all humans.By slowing down your chattering mind, you can make them your thoughts lose their power. Simply recognize them as "illusions," that is, products of a psychological phenomenon common among humans and allegedly known in India since prehistoric times: the phenomenon of mental illusion caused by what for thousands of years has been known as "the veil of Maya."Only by breaking yourself free from this mental veil you can gradually awaken and free yourself from the psychological illusion that causes human suffering and unhappiness, opening the doors of your inner peace and discovering the joy of living in the Now!GET THIS BOOK AND CHECK OUT THE REST OF THE SERIES!VOLUME 1.- Living in "The Now" in Easy StepsVOLUME 2.- Buddhist Meditation For BeginnersVOLUME 3.- Spiritual Hindu Tales to Calm Your MindVOLUME 4.- Christian Meditation in Easy StepsVOLUME 5.- Meditation in 7 Easy StepsVOLUME 6.- Stop Negative Thinking in 7 Easy StepsVOLUME 7.- Understanding Eckhart Tolle: The Power of Living in The NowVOLUME 8.- Eckhart Tolle: His Life & Quest for The Power of NowVOLUME 9.- Understanding Eckhart Tolle 2: In Search of The Power of NowVOLUME 10.- DALAI LAMA, His Magical Childhood and Teenage Years
Living in The Now in Easy Steps (Understanding Eckhart ~ Living in The Now in Easy Steps (Understanding Eckhart Tolle, Dalai Lama, Krishnamurti, Meister Eckhart and more!): 7 Lessons & Exercises to Stop Your . (The Secret of Now Book 1) (English Edition) eBook: Parr, A.J.: : Kindle-Shop
A.J. Parr - ~ Living in The Now in Easy Steps (Understanding Eckhart Tolle, Dalai Lama, Krishnamurti, Meister Eckhart and more!): 7 Lessons & Exercises to Stop Your . (The Secret of Now Book 1) (English Edition) 20.03.2014. von A.J. Parr ( 62 ) €2.99. THIS WORKBOOK CONTAINS 7 basic lessons and exercises you can apply NOW to begin to slow down your "chattering mind" and begin to enjoy living in "The Now .
Spiritual Hindu Tales to Calm Your Mind (Mystic Stories to ~ VOLUME 1.- Living in "The Now" in Easy Steps. VOLUME 2.- Buddhist Meditation For Beginners. VOLUME 3.- Spiritual Hindu Tales to Calm Your Mind. VOLUME 4.- Christian Meditation in Easy Steps. VOLUME 5.- Meditation in 7 Easy Steps. VOLUME 6.- Stop Negative Thinking in 7 Easy Steps. VOLUME 7.- Understanding Eckhart Tolle: The Power of Living in .
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