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    Little Thor Gets Mad

    Beschreibung Little Thor Gets Mad. Little Thor is MAD and he doesn’t know what to do about it.Little Thor is very strong. He can lift very heavy things. But when Loki knocks over the city of blocks Little Thor has worked very hard to build, Thor gets very, VERY mad. Should Little Thor use his hammer to destroy everything around him—or should he take a moment, think about why he’s angry, and talk about it? This board book about coping with emotions is perfect for any kid who knows what it’s like to feel mad.

    Buch Little Thor Gets Mad PDF ePub

    Little Thor Gets Mad / Bücher kostenlos online lesen ~ Author: Victoria Watson Nguyen, Rubin Pingk ISBN: 9781534450899 Format: Board Book Pages: 14 Publisher: Little Simon Release Date: Aug 27, 2019 Language: English

    Little Thor Gets Mad (English Edition) eBook: Victoria ~ Little Thor Gets Mad (English Edition) eBook: Victoria Watson Nguyen, Rubin Pingk: : Kindle-Shop

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    Little Thor Gets Mad / Book by Victoria Watson Nguyen ~ Little Thor is very strong. He can lift very heavy things. But when Loki knocks over the city of blocks Little Thor has worked very hard to build, Thor gets very, VERY mad. Should Little Thor use his hammer to destroy everything around him—or should he take a moment, think about why he’s angry, and talk about it? This board book about .

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