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    Wifrith (The Children of Ribe: A Viking Saga, Band 3)

    Beschreibung Wifrith (The Children of Ribe: A Viking Saga, Band 3). The Saga Continues. The five children and their guardian beast are back in their latest adventure on the plains of Viking Denmark. Still on the island of Fyn, the children find themselves separated by magic and fate. Will they find what the next arm ring of Yngvar on the islands or will the men of Hedeby finally catch up with them? War has come to Ribe adding even more danger to path that Erland, Dalla, Eva, Christian and Riki walk and Eva is becoming more and more concerned over Wifrith's odd behaviour. =+=+= The Children of Ribe is a Viking Saga for children bringing the culture and mythology of the Danish Vikings to life. The book series has been influenced by Enid Blyton, Arthur Ransome, Susan Cooper, J R R Tolkien and C. S. Lewis. Based in Denmark during the time of the Vikings, these books are tales of magic and danger that are suitable for children from the ages of seven and up to read on their own but also perfect for people to read to children from the age of 4. The Children Ribe is a modern fairy tale that brings elements of Danish folklore and mythology to life mixed with elements of Viking culture. These books have been designed to help children with dyslexia to read. You can watch author C.S. Woolley talking about dyslexia and reading from FATE, book 1 in the Children of Ribe series here: https://youtu.be/EcnKLKa5c98 Whether you are interested in Vikings, studying them at school, or are simply shopping for the perfect gift for your favourite bookworm, the Children of Ribe series is just what you are looking for.

    Buch Wifrith (The Children of Ribe: A Viking Saga, Band 3) PDF ePub

    Wifrith (The Children of Ribe: A Viking Saga Book 3 ~ Wifrith (The Children of Ribe: A Viking Saga Book 3) (English Edition) eBook: C.S. Woolley: : Kindle-Shop

    The Children of Ribe: A Viking Saga (11 Book Series) ~ The Children of Ribe: A Viking Saga (11 Book Series) von C. S. Woolley, C.S. Woolley, C.S. Woolley. From Book 1: Welcome to Denmark, home of the Vikings When fate knocks at the door, it doesn't matter how old you are or whether you want to go on an adventure or not. .

    WIFRITH: Buch 3 Die Kinder von Ribe / Etsy ~ Die Kinder von Ribe ist eine Wikinger-Saga für Kinder, die die Kultur und Mythologie der dänischen Wikinger zum Leben erweckt. Die Buchreihe wurde von Enid Blyton, Arthur Ransome, Susan Cooper, J R R Tolkien und C. S. Lewis beeinflusst. Diese Bücher mit Sitz in Dänemark während der Zeit der

    The Children of Ribe: A Viking Saga Book Series: .co ~ In 2010, C.S published her first novel, Nicolette Mace - The Raven Siren: The Kevin Metis Saga. Since 2010 she has published books in five series - The Chronicles of Celadmore, The Mysteries of Stickleback Hollow, The Children of Ribe, The Children of Snotingas and Nicolette Mace: The Raven Siren.

    : Fate (The Children of Ribe: A Viking Saga ~ Series: The Children of Ribe: A Viking Saga (Book 1) Paperback: 128 pages; Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (June 13, 2016) Language: English; ISBN-10: 1534629378; ISBN-13: 978-1534629370; Product Dimensions: 5 x 0.3 x 8 inches Shipping Weight: 6.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

    : FATE: A Children's Viking Adventure for ages 7 ~ : FATE: A Children's Viking Adventure for ages 7+ formatted for all readers including those with dyslexia and reluctant readers (The Children of Ribe: A Viking Saga Book 1) eBook: Woolley, C. S.: Kindle Store

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