Beschreibung Sikhism (World Religions). Six studies of six faiths. The World Religions series explores the major religions of our world today. Focusing on the six main religions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Sikhism, each title looks first at one person's experience, and then examines the facts, arguments and opinions from around the globe. Special debate panels, supported by a wealth of resource material, invite the reader to discuss the issues that are currently shaping our world. Young readers will learn about their own faiths and will receive answers to important questions such as: What is Jewish Law?
What is enlightenment?
Do Sikhs believe in an afterlife?
Should we question the truth of religious books such as the Bible?
What does the Hindu way of life aim for? These questions and many more are explored in detail, providing readers with a glossary and resource guide for further reading. Written by educators, these books are well researched, carefully written, and are credible resources for young students. Parents will appreciate the open and sensitive treatment of each religion. The World Religions series is an important contribution to helping increase cultural awareness and promote tolerance.
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Sikhism - Religions Wiki ~ Sikhism is the fifth-largest world religion.It was founded by Guru Nanak Dev in 16th-century India. The “guru-hood” or “prophet-hood” was passed down to 9 other gurus. The 10th guru finalised the Sikh holy scripture (Sri Guru Granth Sahib) and declared it the last or final (11th) guru.The Sikh equivalent of the Vatican, the Akaal Takhat, dictates the interpretation of the scripture and .
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Sikhism: ebook jetzt bei Weltbild als Download ~ Yet for all its ongoing attachment to the religious symbols that have helped set it apart from neighbouring faiths in South Asia, Sikhism amounts to far more than just signs or externals. Now the world's fifth largest religion, with a significant diaspora especially in Britain and North America, this remarkable monotheistic tradition commands the allegiance of 25 million people, and is a .
Sikhism (Religions of the World (Chelsea Tb)): ~ Sikhism (Religions of the World (Chelsea Tb)): : Ann Marie B. Bahr, Kristen Haar, George Williams: Fremdsprachige Bücher
Sikhismus – Wikipedia ~ Die Sikh-Religion (Panjabi: ਸਿੱਖੀ, sikhī) ist eine im 15.Jahrhundert n. Chr. entstandene monotheistische Religion, die auf den Gründer Guru Nanak Dev zurückgeht. Die im Punjab (Nordindien) gegründete Religionsgemeinschaft wird weltweit als Sikhismus bezeichnet und hat heute rund 25 bis 27 Millionen Anhänger, wovon die Mehrheit in Indien lebt.
sikhismus - Das Wiki, das schwierige Themen einfach erklärt ~ Sikhismus ist eine monotheistische Religion (also eine Religion, die an nur einen Gott glaubt). Die Anhänger werden „Sikhs“ genannt, und ihr höchster Führer ist der Ewige Guru, der „Guru Granth Sahib“ (was aber keine tatsächliche Person, sondern das Buch der Sikh ist). 27 Millionen Menschen sind Anhänger des Sikhismus, was es die fünftgrößte Religion in der Welt macht.
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